3 Bugs in MTNL Broadband

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Trib 649_Combo
Bug 1: your password cannot be more than 8 characters long. if you choose your password as "broadbandforum" it will only take the first 8 characters, i.e. "broadban" only and ignore the rest of the string! (Not useful rite now, but mayb some day...:evil:)

Bug 2: For NU users only!
Remember how mtnl warns us to switch off (reboot) our routers at 00:00 and 08:00 hours for using NU.
But if you don't use it extensively, and get sleepy by 11-11:30PM or, wake up after 8 AM and want to surf net, then you can try a nice little trick!
Though there mayb some risks involved.
Just think of this as, MTNL calculates average of usage if you don't switch off ur router (at 12 or 8 in morning). so, why not try to utilize this wen we can. Here's what I do:
switch on my router at 10:30 PM, surf the net/download files (in a limit) and go to sleep by 11:45 PM. BUT, i keep my router ON (wid power backup:P). The session lasts for 6 hours. so, 10:30 PM plus 6 hours is 4:30AM. I download say 150MB from 10:30 to 11:45, then 150/6= 25MB per hour. so, for AVERAGE, mtnl counts 25 x 4.5 = 112.5 MB as night MB and rest is daily usage. This way i save on my time (to be awake till 12 and then surf) and also, some day MB's (which are hard to save).
Same goes for morning, get someone to switch on your router at 5 AM, and then get up at 8 AM and surf net!
I have tried it for two days now, and saved around 200 MB.
Please be cautious while using this and do post your experience here! whether it worked for you or not!

Here is a screen shot of my session history:

Note that the MB's are counted in NEGATIVE for the 6 hour session. (NU Users please confirm if you all guys also get the MB's in negative). This I get, when i am downloading extensively using Bearshare (p2p software ver. 5.3.0)
So, my idea/theory is for limited MB user(s) who want to give it a try (who get reimbursement from office of course!) to try a 6 hour session on their limited MB's and try downloading stuff. And then check your usage to see if you have got negative MB recorded as in the above case. And whether it effected you MB left for the month!
Of course, RISKS INVOLVED ARE VERY HIGH, and I doubt anyone will try it ever, but this can work (in theory right now!).
Here is a link to another of my session history, which shows 3 such 6 hours sessions when i got negative MB's recorded, but becoz I am on NU, it didn't effect my daily usage!
Well? Where is the 3rd one?And I should add here that if you figured out the 2nd bug yourself, you are a very smart person. It takes some real gray cells to figure out a flaw of that level.
working on it! getting the screen shots from my session history!:)
It's the boldest of them all and I would need some proof so that others may give it a try too!:evil:

@bug 2: posted for users who still haven't figured it out!:P and like a collection!:evil:
should i delete it?:(

Thread completed!
2nd bug i knew too when i had NU. but it was not much of use to me as whatever i wanted to downlaod i used to downlaod in NU period itself using schedular and there was no need to download much in day time3rd bug was also posted here long back, its because of counter overflow, u need to download abv 2GB (without disconnecting), which is no more possible in mumbai as the auto-disconnection period is now 2hrs.
anyone on limited MB plan, please download more than 2 GB at one go (in one session only, at 2 mbps, easy! download ubuntu DVD thru torrent!) and please post here the findings! i.e. did the 2 GB count in your limit?:redface:
