Airtel Broadband: Now available LATEST firmware 220 bx

Yes, but i dont need 3.12! I'm already on 3.12.. I need 3.06..
Post the info asked for .
The need for 3.06. ( any additional menu options ?)
ϵͳ��Ϣ����汾 V8.24.01.01 ������ T2Q-0Q-011 SVN�汾 3.12L.01_India.27 �������� Thu Aug 14 11:10:54 CST 2008 �̼��汾 3.12L.01.A2pB023k.d20k_rc2 CFE �汾 1.0.37-6.8 IP ��ַ MAC ��ַ 00-08-5c-f6-73-fe �������� (Kbps) 576 �������� (Kbps) 2560 I need 3.06L as 3.12 is giving me a lot of issues with my DIR-300 router. On 3.06 it was fine. All this is already mentioned in the thread a few posts above!
i dont know if i fit in here? but i am still posting. i write firmware for devices. yep i am a developer, kind of. the device we are using airtel beetel 220bx or 220bxi or hence forth is made of broadcom 96338R CPU mips32 chipsets. i am writing the firmware for it. i am not using the default source from broadcom.

but i am mixing it with openwrt. if you are in chennai. and would like to experiment with the firmware i am writing let me know. i would be glad to help you. the firmware is pretty good and it requires rs232tottl cable. i can upload the firmware which is strictly based on this chipset. if you have the wireless, i guess you need to lend me your modem/router for a few days. as i dont have wireless modems from airtel, i got Linksys wrt54GL 1.0 * 3 and my home is wirelessly networked in with those 3 routers. so i didnt apply for the wireless modem.

but then again. i have never used the wirless one. but i have used the USB network and ethernet one. and i got the source code and i am making the firmware. i am making it small and i am also trying to stuff in VoIP by default into it. which means you can directly plug in ATA devices and also you can use the PC to directly hook in. i will be using Asterisk and OpenSER and 2nd, if you are BOLD you may would like to upgrade the RAM and Flash of the device beetel 220BX and Beetel 220 BXi to something more better like ram is only 16 mb and flash is only 2 mb, which will give you loads of issues.

and frankly the total upgrade from ritchie street will cost some 500 bucks. sorry i am not a solder guy, i too got it from outside. once you have this? you need not use much of much hassle like depend on firmware from airtel. i will be soon launching the opensource firmware to public under the GPL licence in sourceforce, pray for it that the testing and development GOES smooth so i can make it up ASAP. and it will have linux, VoIP and the kinky stuff (teh firewall BS) the basic firewall and also will try to include VPN also.

and also dont ask me to do your device ram and flash firmware upgrade solder, i dont know how to solder like micro devices. you will also have a KINKY gui if you do a RAM/Flash upgrade. but i would like to get proper co-operation. and i am in high testing and development (screwed up development rather/destroyment), so dont count hard on me till i do it fully.

if anyone got spare beetel 220bx or other broadcom 96338R chipsets? send me a PM. and last request? i dont do jobs like solder and sell RAM/Flash supply, you need to get these on your own, if required i can tell you where to get the ram the serial number and flash serial numbers. i guess you can go upto 64 mb of flash, old USB keychains? and ram special ram chips with max 8 mb of ram and here you go your full blown router professional grade by spending 500 bucks. a friend of mine does the soldering for me. so dont ask me to ask him to do it for all. he wont do.

i will post the screenshots and other vital details and other details as soon as i pass stage one, which is stable and successfull state for 2 weeks.

if anyone interested in pimping your router leave me a private message and oh yeah once again, you need to pimp your RAM and FLASH, i cant/wont help you with that. else all is fine. and i will soon launch it on the internet. i had a big fight with this router for years till i could build my own firmware. so keep praying and BRAVE ones who wont mind or cry if i F**K up their routers come forward please and leave me a private message. thank you.


p.s. i dont speak tamil well, i am not a tamil, my tamil is broken machis, i will try to adjust with tamil if you have trouble understanding my tamil, i will switch back to english or hindi. thanks. since this is a global forum and national ISP then many other languages and places? you try to stick to english or hindi and also i dont courier ready made ones to other places. this is DIY or DO IT YOURSELF type of router hacks. so weaks dont trouble yourself. you will be silently ignored. thank you.


Alien language? :confused:

yes its chinese. chinese simplified.
and the moderm firmware is extremely screwed up. just wait a little longer up mate. too many friends of mine atleast 200-300 from internet especially IRC friends have been pestering me with writing a firmware for it. and i had to give up to their cry so i am writing the firmware chaps. please hold on a little longer. the good stuff is coming up man!
i guess 2 weeks wont be a big F**King deal, if you waited that long. i will remove the crazy stuffs. i will just include the basics and better security and also i will remove the graphicsl user. unless some html guy comes and helps me with the front end design you may require a firefox plugin. anyway. w/o wasting much time? i will go back to development. have fun chaps.
and just give me 2 weeks time, my friends online are anyway killing me with too much requests to make a firmware.
thank you.


I just bricked my 220 BX1 trying to downgrade it to 3.04 :(

dude dont screw it up more with some firmware upgrade/downgrade. because you need to rewrite the CPE. OMG, if you fscking do it you will literally kill the device which is in coma. and second you need the software like hairy dairy maid and also rs232 to ttl interface or rs232 to usb to ttl or direct usb to ttl. go to ritchie street in chennai near devi theatre. else you cant friggin do anything.
mmmmm time i gear up the development than test and brick and revive bricked ones. too many are screwed and stuck and also the online IRC friends and local friends.
hold on. give me a week or 2. max 2 weeks.
chal main chala. bye.


The FW version given in WIKI was given long back.
Now I got 110BX1 and the FW version is same ( say in May 2008)
So in Beetel 220BX or Beetel 220BX1 units with USB port will work. ( or even in UT300R2U one new model )
Para two:
The Bootloader CFE versions :
for 220 bx normal .
for /220bx1 ( added client tr_069)
for 110BX1 in addition to above, and DDNS access has been added. ( for web server )
Conditions for FW update:
1.Board ID should be same .
2.FW version specifies as update.
3.Bootloader CFE need not be same !

Para two: follow procedure for USB Port drivers installation.
Modem need not be connected !
Then connect USB cable to computer and open
Try to program the modem.
If it works. FW version is common to modems with/ without USB option !
Please wait for other comments.
Para three:
FW is the set of interactive menu pages loaded in eprom.
Bootloader CFE ( like OS) to access those pages. I am not sure.
The point you have raised is a general one and applies to all FW updates.

yep CFE = common firmware environment. and yes there is not much of Electronic changes i see in the device. this uses the same board. its the same parts new cover and a new paint and a new name, else all are 99% identical. plus they havent even fscking changed the CPU also. plus the USB driver and the ATM driver which broadcom is propiertery they can be replaced happily with linux-mips's opensource drivers and also linux-usb and linux-atm open source drivers. F**King retards just screwed up the whole thing with this firmware. they were giving up the router firmware broadcom software source code. i called up the beetel office in noida they gave me a b!tched up answer. the guys name is sushil 40573041 and they really F**king doesnt know jack balls either. they told me to email them for how to obtain the rs232 to ttl and usb to rs232 and usb to ttl, the main dev branch chap then asked me to mail him on whats the ttl 4 is used for and i am still waiting for a reply. i am sure they must have dropped it.
the beetel guys where blinking when i asked how to unbrick a bricked beetel220BX via ttl and asked me to mail them this is their mail ID [email protected] and they never bother to reply back. i wish if they know jack of what i asked them to help me with. all balls. jack shit kind of i felt when i wasted 30 mins making an STD from chennai to delhi/noida for nothing. blah!
yes all are same. there is no difference. i did run a dmesg in the shell prompt and i found there is absolutely 0 changes. and even the mtd is fscking same.
now if you know a little of linux you will know what i mean. they just b!**hed you all customers.
here is what i found out one more time.
the hardware details for any CSE/EE/ECE/EEE chaps can tell you. this has a 16 MB of ram. good news. YAYYYYYYYYYY. now coming to bad news. this has only 2 mb of flash. which is reallllllllll bad news. why? you need a min of 4 mb of flash for this. and now coming to good news. if you are in chennai. this is only for those who are in chennai. because i am not in any other state. there is a shop in ritchie street, when you enter the ritchie street and you see a sugar cane juice shop? yep enter the lane which takes you near the junction. its a big store for electronic chips and components. the flash chip is a 50 pin set. and the tag # for this is kh29lv160cbtc-70g make sure you buy an exact foot print for this. this is the main cause for you not getting openwrt. i will not ask you you to use dd-wrt. mmmmm because i dont support dd-wrt and dd-wrt is now against open source policy and they charge a heck-a-lot of their firmware for anything other than broadcom 47xx series. which is nuts.
so try to get an exact foot print. and next to that shop there are also chip repair shops. tonnes of chip repair shops. this chip is like the hard drive for the device beetel220BXi. make sure the new flash chip you are buying is a 50 pin chip and also EXACTLY SAME FOOT PRINT. now what i mean by exactly same foot print, i mean it had exactly got to slide into the same foot print, else the CFE cane be loaded as chip wont fit in. and second also try to upgrade the RAM. the ram you are using is a NANYA SD PC133/166 RAM. the part tag # is NT5SV8M16FS-75B and the details of the ram is here
you may upgrade this one with the same company chipset. NT5SV64M4BS-75B/6K. if i recall correctly the total price of the hardware upgrade wont be more than 500 rupees. now the best part. why i said not to use the airtel's firmware? reason
#1. the firmware is leaky and buggy and very unstable.
#2. the firmware is not meant to be run on this board/chipset and also the broadcom CPU which is SOC soldered (system on chip)
#3. there is no support for features which makes the full use of the board. the board is powerful and less ram and less flash chip makes it look like an eunuch.
#4. there is no VoIP support.
#5. there is no VPN support.
#6. there is no support for USB or less and if there were? they removed it.
#7. beetel as such doesnt make the firmware, they give a 3 rd party contract who does it. and they just use the same config file all the time w/o any upgrade.
#8. there is no firewall which does a decent firewalling.
#9. there is a lack of configuration options. like for example i cant make the device go switch to other free dynamic dns providers except ddns
#10. it cant support IPv6 and in max 1.5 year we will loose all IPv4 segment due to IP exhaustion.
#11. it doesnt do IP encapsulation properly, do a packet analysis, you will know.
#12. this device doesnt do which it is designed for like statefull inspection and all
#13. it can act as a very good CPE LAN router itself, so companies can save the extra buck on complicated hardware devices.
#14. its support for inside/outside LAN/NAT/PAT is extremely trivial.
#15. it does allow buffer overflow exploits to work w/o a flaw
#16. it does NOT allow remote mgmt well.
#17. it does NOT allow SSH.
#18. it does NOT allow tunneling.
#19. it does NOT allow USB to used for other reasons like plugging in external USB DISK or MMC-SD/CF card.
#20. it does NOT allow ATM2+ to ATM backward compatibility w/o issues and millions of dmesg errors.
#21. it does NOT allow port forwarding well.
#22. it does NOT sllow proper control.

now i gave you 22 reasons, i cant think of any more as of now. so my request will be we spend a lot of unwanted money on many unwanted things. and we can save bucks by not buying other devices to supplement this device. this device is cool enough and just spending another additional 500 bucks wont be a big issue. so try the local electronic store and you will see the spare parts. just take the device open up and ask them to replace with the parts i mentioned. and then load the linux firmware on it. and if you are a windows developer you will see in MSDN 8.0 professional ed? the tools to make firmware for MIPS32 arch. this is a MIPS 32 and with a little money you spend in your city you can get loads of stuffs including windows if you like windows (CE) embedded edition.
i am not asking for money i am a developer. i just said this because if you do it? you can forget the issues and worries you have with your device for a LONG LONG time like 8-10 years. as this will make your little good for nothing device into a powerful monster going almost all work you want it to do. and beside you can really get loads of it. and lastly you can use the device no longer as a connecting device, you can plug in your mobile and other hand held device and turn it into a major gig.
try to think as a developer. go to any electronic circuit shop and buy those parts solder it and fix it up and make your old dumb modem into a powerful device. and also you can use it for fun. like it elsewhere. you still got connection and connectivity. mmmm wont ask you to stick to linux. if you like windows? (as for a developer ANY OS AS LONG AS IT DOES THE WORK IS FINE) you can install windows CE if you know how to develop for it. mmmmm how about turning the modem into another mini PC.
i am done with stage one of the firmware development. i will go to market and will buy the extra flash chip and mode it up and then will fire it up.
if other or any need help? dont hesitate to ask.
thank you
p.s. sorry for being a NAG. since i am helping all these friends of mine do it? and i saw people cribbing here? i thought why not help you folks. if you folks are clueless? dont hesitate to ask. thank you.

if you are one of those dare devils and macho chauvinists and would like to play with the firmwares, that is design and development? just let me know. yes i got the source code for it. and for it you need a basic linux machine, redhat aka fedora you should be on a smooth ride. if you are those head breaking arrogant ones and like to go for custom tiny kernel? then you are on your own, because i will never know what you desire in the firmware and you can fine tune the details. i will upload the firmware source asap. there are many different CPU's by broadcom which one you got and the target you want to build on is your personal choice. and you may ask me if you are stuck. the compiler is mips32 cross compiler and none of these devices are mips64 based so should not be much of an issue. thanks. any info required? i will be here to help. and second RAM and FLASH CHIP hardware upgrade only if you are in chennai and doing so will void warranty so do it ay your own risk and one screw up can screw the modem. thanks.
I rechecked the links and posted the info they are not available.If you have a preconception, that only a particular version will work for you & downgrading the FW will solve your problem, cannot help any further. Any firmware/upgrade is cosmetic changes in the sameFWboard. Say ddns snmp /client tR_069 ETC are added..Board ID: 96338L-2M-8MThe hardware components remain same.
Err.. Links not working.. And please if you know, post only the correct link. I cannot risk loosing the router again :( &
these 2 are the links of the RAM which is there in your beetel modem.
okay let me tell you why you couldnt open it. these are the 2 links to pdf files. it takes about 40 mins to download one pdf file. yes its a very slow link. i think they are on a slow netspeed server or the traffic is high. 1 st one is right because no matter when i go? i see same slow speed of the site.
and i did private message essbebe, what essbebe said is right, most of the people are naive about what rubbish i am speaking. agreed. chip soldering is like can be the worst bonus lethal nightmare. sorry i am in chennai and i can heat gun chip solder if you are in chennai. else i cant travel from chennai to kashmir to do chip solder. period. or as a matter of fact i cant go and do request chip solder. period. if i am visiting/touring your city? i will drop by a message and i will do it there for you. else no. dont ask.
okay now coming to chip solder. now chip soldering, that will be replacing the chips i.e. RAM and Flash chip from router and putting them alone wont help. this device doesnt have a jtag, which means DISASTER if you dont know what you are doing.
you need to first JTAG the chip in a device which has a JTAG port or a serial port. WRT54G v1-5 got it. i am not sure of 6 and above as i dont own one from 6-7-8 and in wrt54g you need to first replace the chip, solder it, heat gun it, write the firmware with jtag, unsolder it from wrt54g with the heat gun and then resolder it back to beetel 220bxi modem.
yep sounds very difficult i know. and the temperature not to be more than 320 degree to desolder and 300 to resolder. and i dont think it will be easy. :evil::dance:
and coming to JTAGing the wrt54g? i am still openwince JTAG the wrt54g v5 with a new flash and also i am jtagging the firmware now. i mean i am rewriting the firmware in the flash completely from scratch. and yesterday due to power failure in my area was wasted majorly.
i will try it again today. and i will update the advancements.
there are 2 options you got now!
#1. use a limited feature w/o hardware upgrade as option no 1
#2. upgrade the hardware and enjoy a full blown linux, thats difficult.
this is a tricky catch-22 situation. :ashamed::evil::confused:
this is an update. of hardware upgrade and soon i will take a dual mode, basic hardware firmware upgrade and also hardware modified firmware upgrade.
peace out.
p.s. beetel 220bxi doesnt have jtag it has ttl so de-bricking that device can be troublesome. proceed with caution.
DD-WRT - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Unless essential, FW UPG is not advised, to
members here, whose Technical expertise
varies from NIL to "Expert".

Airtel usually replaces the old Modem, whether
purchased or not.

Since your need for FW Upgrade
is not known, you may
try the suggestions in above post.!!!!

Any Beetel Non WIFI modem this is latest I think.
Board ID: 96338L-2M-8M common to UT300R2U etc.
(Software Version: 3.12L.01.A2pB023k.d20k_rc2
Bootloader (CFE) Version: 1.0.37-0.7)
hmm.. i just finished watching heroes.. and the next i read is duh's posts!! coincidence?:P
