Are animated avatars not allowed in IBF?!

i dont think i can specifically block animated gifs. but i do have a very low size limit on avatar images. animated gifs are heavy so that might be the reason behind the block. and no one like animated gifs in avatars or signatures.
there must be a thread focused on animated gifs. post there if you want to!
I think some members, do have animated ones, but they are simple - maybe a small loop of 3-4 images at max - devx101 is 1 such member who I remember has an animated avatar , cyberwiz is another, and surely I have seen a few more. So its not really rare.
I dont remember the name, but 1 member has a hand waving.......All i wud say is, subtle animation is Ok, otherwise they become attention seekers. They keep distracting me. I have experienced this in other Fora....
