Assembled PC Specification Recommendation

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I havent bought any computer since 2009. So I am highly outdated.

I have been using my laptop since 2009 and it is showing signs of dying.

I already have a spare Monitor and Keyboard and a PS/2 mouse and external DVD drive.

I do not want hi-fi desktop. i3 or i7 is enough.

If I want to assemble a desktop myself, what do I need to buy?

CPU Box (which one? I have old iBall one, will it work?)
Motherboard (which one should I go for?)
Processor (which one should I go for?)
RAM (which brand? what specifications?)
Powersupply (which brand?)
Harddisk (is seagate good? what RPMs?)

Is that all? What would be cost of each?

I do not want that I purchase above and later find out that I missed a critical component!

I have never assembled a PC myself but I am willing to go for it.
First fix a budget and then your actual requirements out of that machine.
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I forgot to mention in previous post that actually I have a complete PC with Core 2 Duo and possibly gigabyte motherboard. But I have not used that PC from 7-8 years now. So I would like to re-use parts of it and only buy what is necessary.

CPU Box (which one? I have old iBall one, will it work?) // PC case? Yes, older ones will do fine.

Yes PC outer case. Its an old iBall 6363 (came with SMPS - bought around 2009)

Image here: iBall i6363 Price, Specifications, Features, Reviews, Comparison Online – Compare India News18

If its going to work, then I may save few hundred rupees.

Will it work with new motherboard? i.e. will new motherboard fit in it?

Processor (which one should I go for?)

I think you meant i5? i5 should be a good in value for money. They are 6 core 6 thread. i7 will be much more expensive, and the extra cores / threads are not useful as of now for gamers. Very useful for Video encoding etc. Check equivalent AMD proc also.

I read somewhere that i5 does not support hyper threading. I use Linux and I would like to run windows inside virtualbox. Will it work on i5? If yes, then I would pick i5.

Also will i5 work on my old mother board? Or I will have to buy new one?

RAM (which brand? what specifications?) //Corsair base version. (No extra fins etc.) Transcend Kingston etc should be next tier. The ram speed should depend on your motherboard choice. Its spec will have max speed supported. Note that at the very top, the higher the theoretical RAM speed goes, it does not actually translate to real world improvement. You are much better off getting more RAM. Like a 8gb normal speed ram >> than a 4gb light speed Mhz ram with its expensive fins and all the junk...

What is fin? I have no idea about it.

I plan to go for 16gb. Or is it unnecessary? May be 8gb is fine too. (my current ram usage is < 4GB but i dont keep too many applications or firefox tabs open.).

Powersupply (which brand?) //Calculate your power req a little before. Esp of your graphics card.
Corsair is good. Mine was the then base model version of corsair in 2015. Buy Corsair VS550 550-Watt Power Supply Online at Low Prices in India | Corsair Reviews & Ratings
I needed 550W as i had a graphics card as well. Its generally recommended to not skimp on a good quality smps.

You have to calculate power requirement too? (did not know that!)

I dont want graphics card. In built on board would be enough for me.

So what I should I go for?

Harddisk (is seagate good? what RPMs?) //Yes. But personally i'd recommend western digital. Long story why...
To add, its better to get one SSD to store your OS and frequently used performance critical appln's (size as per budget), and then HDD (size as per requirement.) The age of installing OS on HDD's is almost over.

Yes thinking about SSD. May be I can use old harddisk for storage and SSD for installation.

Thank you very much for your detailed and informative reply.
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your old pc component would be more or less useless with any modern hardware. your power supply is low quality and 11 years old now? my best recommendation would be have a budget of at least 35K because anything less would give you a compromised build in some or the other component which would potentially make it a waste of an investment. the build i made for my nephew was the lowest i could consider going for in 2020 and it was in this budget. you can of course save a few thousand bucks here and there by getting an older generation board with processor but it would not be a good investment today if you plan to use this box for 5+ years. and since practically everything is onboard these days except for ram and gfx card... there is very little you can avoid getting on day one and get later on.

some things you can do on the build i made is getting an older amd processor which has onboard gfx card with single 8GB RAM. ram can be double at a later stage but not processor.
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Where is your build? If there is a thread on it, can you post the link?
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let me find the final price tally of the build i made...

Office 365 (4100/6)684

You can save money on getting 8GB instead of 16GB RAM. 1GB GFX instead of 2GB GFX. Cheaper cabinet as well. I bought a m.2 SSD. Regular SSD could be cheaper as well I believe. Do not cut costs on the PSU as it would reduce the life of rest of the hardware. Getting an older processor can save a few thousand rupees as well but I would not recommend that.

Basically new generation AMD processors do not come integrated with internal GFX which makes it necessary to get an external card. The difference in performance is not that significant that would be noticeable in regular office work so I guess you can take that route. Which means that you can also possibly go for a cheaper motherboard. So that could reduce the cost by at least(?) 5K on this build. 8GB RAM again would be enough for I assume you are going to use Linux on it? Another 8GB can be added at any stage later on.

Others would be able to recommend a good combination. There is just no point going for Intel these days. So find a good AMD Ryzen plus Motherboard combination and calculate rough costing. And see if that makes the purchase comfortable.

I assume prices are going to be higher now because of Covid. They had already increased by the time I bought these components in February compared to what @Nishant paid just a few weeks earlier than me. His build is pretty similar to mine.

But based on some cost cuttings... You should be able to get a pretty decent machine for under 30K.
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