BSNL speed vs SNR.


I have a BSNL BB connection with 8Mbps plan. But the speed I get is somewhere between 2-3 mbps. This speed never stays stable and always fluctuates between 1mbps to 5mbps. Here are my line stats for d/l:
(No issues with upload speed)

Linerate: 10239 kbps
Attenuation: 36db
SNR: 18
Output power: 224
Attainable rate: 16098kbps

SNR was 37 when I had 2mbps plan(Line rate was 2048 that time). Now after the plan change they have increased linerate to 10mbps but the SNR dropped to 18. No issues with the line, it is clear. Is this SNR really low for 8mbps plan and creating speed fluctuations? Please help.

Thanks in advance..
Is it SNR or SNR Margin ?

Post a screenshot of adsl stats if you can!
SNR margin..

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All those stats are just fine. SNR ideally should be above 6dBm or 60 as your modem would show it. As for the dip, that is because your plan has been changed from 2Mbps to 8Mbps, the sync rate/signal was increased to 10Mbps for that. Hence, the corresponding drop in the SNR.

As for the speed issues, you say you don't get anywhere near 8Mbps? You shouldn't have any issues with those stats. Please have them check if they changed the cap on your user id on their end for the same as well. BSNL and MTNL often seem to forget that the speeds are capped by the user id as much as the sync rate, changing only sync rate and forgetting to change the user id.
Thanks for the reply.

As far as the user id cap is concerned It is hard to explain them becoz they dont know anything!
I believe they changed user id cap also becoz I do get speeds like 7.5mbps in some occasions but not all the time. Every time I do speed test I get different speeds.
Attempt 1: 2mbps
Attempt 2: 4mpbs
Attempt 3: 1mps
Attempt 4: 5mps
Attempt 6: 7mbps
Attempt 7: 3mbps

But most of the time it is between 3 or 4mbps. In the earlier plan(2mbps) I used to get constant speed of 1.7mbps all the time.

Thanks for the reply.
3kms from the exchange,

I tried that too. It decreased SNR value. speed fluctuations still there,
