Can't connect to any server

  • Thread starter Thread starter hpgupta
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  • Replies Replies 23
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everything was fine till 2 days back. i was able to connect to gaming servers and everything but now something is gone wrong.

i can't connect to any gaming server. i can't login to steam ( either. i cant ping the servers/ cant scan them as well. however i am able to use the internet otherwise, i am also able to access other computers on my sify network.

apart from joining gaming servers, others are now unable to connect to ones created by me.

other users on sify are still able to connect. it doesnt appear to be my computer's problem. i disabled the firewall, also logged in safe mode with networkin and tried. i tried it on the other PC as well. just cant join any gaming server.

for the first time, sify customer care is trying to help. but unfort the prob cant be identified. at one time, the sify guy tried to access my computer but was unable to.

any help wud be welcome.
Do you mean to say that those using Sify can connect to the servers created by you but not those who are not using Sify? Also is it that you can connect to servers created by other Sify users? Of course I don't talk of a neighbourhood subnet but rather the whole of Sify network across India.
no i cant connect to any game server. whether it is created by a sify user or a full 24/7 dedicated server like or servers. earlier i was able to connect to them with
haha, man i can't connect to any antivirus site form last 2 month. :sand till now nobody was able to solve it. huh?
i cannot connect to sify customer care since ages.oh wait, that is happening to many others :P
Ok hpgupta, sounds rather freaky. I will check whether I can connect to some foreign game servers of the game BZFlag which is the only online multiplayer game I play. Could this have to do with the network upgradation that Sify says it is doing in phases, I wonder. Also guru, when you say you're not able to connect to any AV site do you mean you aren't able to update your AV? Sounds like you have been infected by a virus itself. Try this. Search for the file named "host" if you're on Windows and post its contents, maybe you could PM me if solving your problem would be going off topic on this thread :P

PM'dbut the same is happening with my friends computer also.and I don't know but from last two days i get logged off after 30-40 minutes :si tried using my friends account also from my system but the same happened again, but every thing works fine from his system.
so ur friend cant access an antivirus site? that is really weird. vsnl did reportedly tried to ban net2phone sites in the past but i really doubt sify would be interested in banning anti virus site access just to force u to use securesynergy :P
Pm'd the answer to you guru. This is the first thought that came to my mind too, that is it Sify forcing us to use Secure Synergy? But turns out it's not come to that yet :P. You see I asked guru to PM me the contents of his C:\Windows\hosts file. This file acts as a local DNS server. It contains URLs and their respective IP addresses. By default it just has 1 entry :- localhostThe represents the machine that this file is on. It's a local loopback address and not that of any server. guru, your hosts file had the URLs of all the AV websites listed in that file and matched to So whenever you tried to open an AV website all you got connected to was your own computer and not the AV server. Obviously this addition to the hosts file is the work of some malicious program. Just see the things these malicious programs come up I'd even recommend that you download Spybot Search and Destroy, Ad-Aware and SpywareBlaster, and update them and use them regularly, because many spywares and trojans that can also alter this file and do other nasty things are missed by AV programs. Also download a program called CWShredder. All these programs alongwith AV program and a firewall make us secure provided we regularly update them and scan our computers with them.
