Connected, but not able tio surf intermittently


hi,i am facing a wierd problem.i am on MTNL 512k unlimited plan (D-Link 502T) & suddenly been facing a lotta issues.I get connected instantly but face problem surfing sites. some open up, some dont & sometimes every site just stops loading.My speeds have also been reduced tio 261kbps UP, 260K Down (checked in the router homepage)My line stats are: Downstream Upstream UnitLine attenuation 31 13 dBSNR Margin 18 12 dBis there some problem with my line ??
could be a temp issue , does the DSL LED go ioff?
Your Line attenuation is slightly on the higher side & SNR margin is just about ok. Have you tried changing your MTU, For your Sync rate being downgraded, best write to the GM (Broaband) about it.
your line is not in good condition at all. Even i faced lot's of issues of late. in Lineman's words something called "carbon" was in my line which affected the internet performance.So first of all get your line checked with the lineman. If you have any joints, check them too. They checked my whole line from DP to house and did not find any problem. At last realized that it's the joint which joins the telephone cable to my phone was at fault. I had the very same issues you mentioned. Sometimes sites opens up sometimes not. They will get stuck at half way etc etc. Line rates keep on changing too right? keep us updated!Best of luck. :thumbsup:
