Couple Of Queries With Torrent Speeds...

hi guys..,am a newbie to this forum & found it really informative.... just posting a few queries of mine with regards to downloading torrents...i got the home 500 plan & use MuTorrent client btw..,

1.had problems downloading torrents for almost 2 months... cud not find any proper instructions for port forwarding for my UTSTAR 300R2 router... jus changed my connection type frm PPPOE to bridge & hopefully its all up & workin now.yesterday was downloading my first torrent frm using MU had abt 20 peers connected to it..,when i can see 35 KBPS is quite good for a 256 Kbps connection..,v all get speeds like 160KB+ wen connected to the server directly..,& i have seen ppl here tellin they r gettin such speeds in torrents itself..! is it possible guys to get such a speed in torrents....,?wat do i have to do for dat...?!

2.whether i download 1 torrent or 2 torrent files..,my "bandwidth" remains the same right...,so wont my downloads be at 15KB each instead of single file bein downloaded at 30KB... since sum1 in this forum had said make multiple downloads to increase the bandwidth....

3.jus found some tips sayin forwarding the ports can help us boost the speed frm the current 40KB to 160KB+ .... info is here...

pls let me know if this is possible in my UTSTAR300R2 router... point to be noted is that i have changed to bridge connection frm PPPOE recently...can port forwarding be done in bridge setting...?

cuz when i enter into my router setup, ( im not able to enter the port forwarding setting..,i get the error message as "u must enter an ip address on LAN clients page for the selected LAN group to enter this setup"

& when i enter the LAN clients page to do so..,i got three text boxes namely
a. select LAN connection (default selection is LAN Group 1)
b.Enter IP address (i entered ---->>>((((assuming my comp. ip is
c.Hostname (i dont know wat to enter)
d.MAC address (i dont know wat to enter)

as i said left the last 2 fields empty & when i click the apply button..,sumthing like this appeared..

Delete IP Address Hostname MAC Type Static

next up..,went to the port forwarding ----->custom port forwarding setting...,where i had several options again..,when i fillled in with details dat i knew..,i got a message "error on page"..pls help me out guys..,any help will be highly appreciated...i shall enter the fields that appeared & the values i entered...

1. Select LAN Connection: LAN group 1 (selected by default)
2. Application (i entered MuTorrent)
3. Enable (with a tick mark) i choose both TCP & UDP)
4. Source IP address (i entered
5. Source netmask (i dont know wat to enter)
6. Destination IP Address (i entered ---->assumption
7. Destination Netmask (default entered value is
8. Destination Port Start (i entered 12345)---->(assuming i have entered that port in Mutorrent)
9.Destination Port End (same value as port start...12345)
10.Destination Port Map (i dont know wat to enter) mutorrent there is a scheduler to specify the time period to use full bandwidth,limited bandwidth & turn off but is it capable to starting downloads & ending them at a particular time...,dats 2 to 8 respectively as i find it troubling to wake up at 2am to switch it on..., the the mu torrent client.., there r few indications like these..,can u pls tel me wat they mean..

a.seeds:x of x connected (x in swarm) ... wat does that swarm mean....

b.under the peers section where it shows all the available peers..,when i right click each of the them..,get an option "add peer"..,wats does dat mean ..?

Karthik first of all download utorrent BitTorrent client(no beta) it's the best and will even tell you if your port is being not forwarded properly, do read utorrent FAQ's from the website, and 2nd thing don't just see how many are seeding but also see how many are downloading, to check actual speed go to private trackers like desitorrents or araditracker as there people seed in good speed to keep their ratio's up.

Speed doesn't matter if you using PPPOE or bridge, the speed doesn't get slower or faster than your bandwidth being sent by the exchange/server.

Visit these sites for all the help on Firewalls and Port Forwarding

In schedular u can Turn off all hours before 2 am and then Turn off all hours after 8am. I think this will solve your problem of waking up.

All your answers about torrenting can be found at FAQ's at,,,
Hi ,I guess modem being in a Bridge Mode, you have to configure a PPPoE Dialer from your OS. And you can forward the selected port used for torrent incoming traffic on the modem itself.But if you have some good firewall on your PC, and want to take some risk(else bugged up with trying all combinations of port forward), then you can just provide your PC IP in the Modem's DMZ menu adn all ports get forwarded automatically.Generally 20% of thw bandwidth provided is reserved by Windows, by default to do all its background transfers and updates. For utilising the complete bandwidth provided you have to follow the follwing steps:1. Run> Type "gpedit.msc"> Group Policy>Local computer Policy>Computer configuration>Administrative Templates>Network2. Click on QoS Packet scheduler. Don't expand the tree associated to it.3. On the right side panel, go to Limt resrvable bandwidth. it will disabled initially. 4. right click>properties>check the enabled radio button>set %age value to 0(for unlimited bandwidth).5. save and restart PC. u'll surely notice some difference in speeds of heavily seeded torrents,as you have the complete bandwidth at ur disposal.thx,kirty
QUOTE(jackrabbit @ Jan 20 2007, 02:18 AM) [snapback]76112[/snapback]
Hi ,
I guess modem being in a Bridge Mode, you have to configure a PPPoE Dialer from your OS. And you can forward the selected port used for torrent incoming traffic on the modem itself.
Generally 20% of thw bandwidth provided is reserved by Windows, by default to do all its background transfers and updates. For utilising the complete bandwidth provided you have to follow the follwing steps:
1. Run> Type "gpedit.msc"> Group Policy>Local computer Policy>Computer configuration>Administrative Templates>Network
2. Click on QoS Packet scheduler. Don't expand the tree associated to it.
3. On the right side panel, go to Limt resrvable bandwidth. it will disabled initially.
4. right click>properties>check the enabled radio button>set %age value to 0(for unlimited bandwidth).
5. save and restart PC. u'll surely notice some difference in speeds of heavily seeded torrents,as you have the complete bandwidth at ur disposal.


Excellent tip. Even though I've done everything from putting router in Bridge mode, and automatically scheduling it to start up and download between 2 to 8, I still search for anything which will increase the speed by even a small margin. Stupid windows, does it actually reserve 20% b/w? I've switched off automatic updates and so I guess I can use this b/w as well.

A tip from my side as well. In uTorrent, set the maximum upload rate to a value which is somewhat less than your max upload speed. This will ensure that there is some bandwidth left for two-way communication and will increase the download rate by quite some margin.
@ jackrabbit...

thanks for ur reply...! dat tip was jus awesome.....! gr88888888 work..... waitin to test the difference....!

but im not able to get certain points they are too techie for me i guess....pls make dem clear 2 me.... hope ur patient enuf to answer my queries....!

1.""I guess modem being in a Bridge Mode, you have to configure a PPPoE Dialer from your OS. And you can forward the selected port used for torrent incoming traffic on the modem itself.""

--->ya..,i have configured a windows dialer for my connection..but don understand how i shud go abt forwarding the port...(lets say for example...i wanna forward port no.12345 dat is used by Muturrent currently...) cud u pls give me the step by step instructions as to how it is to be done for my UTSTAR 300R2 router...?the page in does not give sufficeint info dat i need.... pls refer to question no.3 of my post at the top..,where i have given step by step details of my router & the problems i face..... pls help me out...shall be very helpful.....

2."But if you have some good firewall on your PC, and want to take some risk..., then you can just provide your PC IP in the Modem's DMZ menu adn all ports get forwarded automatically."

--->i do have Mcafee personal firewall plus installed on my pc... still afraid since u said "if im ready to take risk.."! can u pls tell me wat exactly wud be the rick i wud face by opening all the ports as against now... (by the way, how are my ports actually opened now whenever required...?)

& while enabling DMZ..,it asks me to choose my WAN do i find out which is my connection sice there are many connectiosn available like pvc_8_35, pvc_0_38, pvc_0_35, & on & on....

3".else bugged up with trying all combinations of port forward"

--->wats the difference/use of forwarding all the ports as against forwarding only a particular port which is already very clearly specified in Mutorrent...?

expecting ur reply...
Lets us first base out one funda. Like we have doors in a closed space for communication. Even we have windows too. So are the ports. They are not hardware, but certain "doors" which has been built inside any OS, to communicate with other peripherals. we have port no:80 for http, port no:21 or 23 for ftp..etc. Similarly we have various ports for a certain protocol to connect to other computers.
Port-forwarding is necessary in case of torrents as it helps you in leeching and seeding as well. Even you have a better ratio, and you don't get banned from sites.

1.\"\"I guess modem being in a Bridge Mode, you have to configure a PPPoE Dialer from your OS. And you can forward the selected port used for torrent incoming traffic on the modem itself.\"\"[/b]

Ans: The best suggestion would be to check out It has got ample iluustrated information, even DIY for port forwarding, port tirggering etc. Briefly, you have to do portwarding in the modem. I guess it will be somewhere in the Advanced tab. But with the website I have mentioned, you have portforwarding given for each modem. Just roll on your eye, select the modem, and there you go.
Instead you can do search in the forum, as people have posted portforwarding details on Ut-300R2.

2.\"But if you have some good firewall on your PC, and want to take some risk..., then you can just provide your PC IP in the Modem's DMZ menu adn all ports get forwarded automatically.\"[/b]
Ans:pvc_0_35 will be your connection type. The risk involved is that you forward all the ports(open them to the outside world). So obviously anyone can exploit this thing and do a atack on your computer. But firewalling reduces the risk, and keeps hackers @ bay. But as you no, no software is ideal on this earth. They break someday , sometime.

3\".else bugged up with trying all combinations of port forward\"[/b]

Ans: Portforwarding a single port means you open the port, give a green sginal to the traffic on that port. Portwarding all the ports means you open, all the ports for any kind of incoming/outgoing traffic. DMZ, as you will be awae is DeMaterialized Zone. So by providing your PC's ip in the modem DMZ page, you open all the ports.

Suggestion: If you are using WIn XP, and only one modem provided by BSNL browse, then its better ti go for PPPoE type connection. It is easier, and your modem dials the connection. Even all this port-forward hassles become easy.
Their will be no difference in speed in either bridge ir pppoe mode.

Try it out.

kirty :)

makes no sense for a hacker to spend days n days of his time on some random guy on the net.. get a firewall and keep ur modem in dmz..
hi kirty...,thanks for your reply once again...!
Port-forwarding is necessary in case of torrents as it helps you in leeching and seeding as well. Even you have a better ratio, and you don't get banned from sites.
as of now..,without portforwarding i get download speeds of 40-100KBps on my "upto 2 MBps download speeds" home 500 plan... will port forwarding definetly show some improvement in my speeds...?now dat i have not done port forwarding..,how is the port specified in mutorrent preferences open??? in case i forward ports..,i will be entering this same port number only right...wat diff wil make it then..? sorry if i was too silly over there...!but got a doubt in dat...

The best suggestion would be to check out It has got ample iluustrated information, even DIY for port forwarding, port tirggering etc. Briefly, you have to do portwarding in the modem. I guess it will be somewhere in the Advanced tab. But with the website I have mentioned, you have portforwarding given for each modem.[/b]
oops..,i guess its me who has made the mistake..,i was indeed referring to the site dat u had given & not any as such....

as u can see in the above page..,the instructions & illustrations are very very general..,nothing in specific is given.... pleaseeeeeeeee compare it with question no.3 of my first post in this topic....... im continously getting the same "error on page" message....

Suggestion: If you are using WIn XP, and only one modem provided by BSNL browse, then its better ti go for PPPoE type connection. It is easier, and your modem dials the connection. Even all this port-forward hassles become easy.[/b]
well.,the main reason i switched to bridge was cuz i wanted to have control over the connection like the connection,disconnection which i schedule using the "rasdial" command for downlads as i have got limited free download time form 2 am to 8 am...
how do u say port forwarding is easier in this case....?

