MTNL Triband 849 NU Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Thread starter sanke1
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DUDE .....DUDE .....DUDE .....
The Telephone should be connected to Phone
The Router To ADSL
the Wall socket shld go into LINE

LINE and ADSL are on 1 side
Phone on other side...

same thing shld be in the manual that came with ur router
Ur interchanging the Line and Phone connections
thats Y no ADSL light
oops......okay i messed up.......sorry bro, you got me confused there, as you said you read somewhere, i thought that might be the correct way. so your earlier connections were correct and what i posted was wrong. :ashamed:line goes to "line" and phone goes to "phone" as before.try replacing the splitter, it could be faulty.your attenuation seems to be ok.i was also facing a problem of disconnections when the phone was picked up but that was because it was a parallel line and i didnt have a splitter for it. it didnt happen everytime though just like in your case before you upgraded to 2 mbps. now that you have upgraded to 2 mbps and your snr margin has gone down, you get disconnections everytime you pick up the phone.
yup if all connections and SNR are correct.......then the cukprit has to be the splitter.try and borrow one from a friend just to confirmyup if all connections and SNR are correct.......then the culprit has to be the splitter.try and borrow one from a friend just to confirm
ok.......this is getting really ridiculous now.
i tested the connection by replacing, one by one, the following:

1) ADSL Router
2) Splitter
3) Telephone line by removing the existing wiring that comes out thru the wall from a socket, and connecting a new wire from that same box till the box outside the house which is supposed to be common mtnl box for our building.

but even after replacing each of the above, one by one, the problem wasnt solved.
now ill explain exactly what happens to the adsl router during this scenario.
im connected the router using bridged mode (using a mtnl dialer in pppoe mode) and am currently online.
if i pickup the phone, i can hear the dialtone in the phone, np.
and immediately the routers 'adsl' light and 'ethernet' light start flicking rapidly.
as u guys know, this happens normally when u r getting a good download speed.
but i wasnt even surfing any webpage at that time.
a second after which, i put the phone down (turn the talk/call button off)
the flickering of the two lights continue for 5secs more, after which the ethernet light stablizes but the adsl light goes off!!!
i try immediately to surf again but i cant open any website (even with the connected icon in the taskbar).
the connected icon eventually goes away (indicating that im disconnected) after 10 more secs.
so thats the deal.......i have already surpassed the point of anger and frustration and dont know what else to do now! :wall:
cud it be the bridged mode causing this?
i have my adsl router settings backed up on the pc.
so i can restore the backup incase something goes wrong.
i cant get the pppoe/always on connection setup again....can someone plz help me with that?
but thats if switching back from bridged mode to pppoe mode will make a difference.
plz note that this disconnection prob used to happen even in the past ie.before upgrading from dsl 590nu to dsl 849nu.
but prior to the upgrade it used to happen very say if i picked/put down the phone 10 times, i might get disconnected from the net 2 times out of those 10.
but now it happens each and everytime i pickup the phone....garuanteed.
this is the only garuantee that i have from mtnl :mad:
so plz gimme a soln for this guys?
the mtnl babu told me to replace my cordless phone with a corded phone to see if the problem humour him, i did that but to no surprise, the prob still occurs.doesnt anyone have any further suggestions?
I know ADSL light has to be stable.I connect via parallel line.I had a different kinda problem after i got shifted to the new 849NU..On my previous 590NU @ 256 kbps speeds whenever i used to switch on the router it used to connect at first attempt (i.e; Status light:flickering & ADSL light:stable)But after the migration to 849NU @ 2mbps speeds;after switching on the router the Status light starts flickering (normal) immediately like before but ADSL light just flickers and doesnt become what i do i plugout and replug my tel.line the one that connects the router;each time checking the ADSL light;and after 3-4 tries it connects properly and becomes stable.Doing this same thing :(since i got on dis plan.Noone suggested me about this;i just figured it out myself.

after a weeks wait the mtnl babus finally came to solve the prob.i had a ringer connected in parallel with the main line.after removing that, it seemed for a while that after picking up the phone, the connection WUD NOT disconnect.but on last monday, while they were troubleshooting, they replaced the whole main line till the common mtnl box for the building.and since that night, my connection has become weirdly, i just opened i try after 5mins to open it again, it doesnt open and gives a 'page cannot be displayed' msg. but at the same time, if i try opening some other website, that opens fine (indicating that the entire net connection hasnt become unstable).now, without disconnecting the bridged mode, if i try after say 30-40mins again, it will open.this happens with any website at i told them about this prob too after it seemed that the disconnection prob was solved.then a techie guy of theirs came and set my router into pppoe mode (from bridged mode).suddenly i noticed that my data rate jumped from 2013-511 to 2048-512.and for the time being it seemed everythin was back to normal again.but after 30mins, the unstability occured again and the damn line still gets disconnected.i changed back to bridged mode by reloading the saved settings.and i noticed that the data rate remained at 2048-512 but my snr margin and line attenuation keep fluctuating at each router reboot.i even did a system restore to a date prior to when the unstability occured ie. back to sunday night (this occured monday night), but still the unstability prob occurs alongwith the really confused now and dont know what to do.i really need some help guys.
site not opening happens with me too from 2-3days. so its not prob with u. there seems to be connectivity prob at international level. and i think ur prob is solved.. if picking up phone (connected to spliter) doesnt disconnect.
omg, do u mean u too have the prob wherein u can open any random site at one particular time but then after a few mins, u cant open it again?and that too, this happens with any random site?also, the disconnection prob hasnt been solved the time when the techie was here, and i saw the 2048-512 speeds, i thought the prob was solved out of excitement.its only when i used for sometime and then tried picking up the phone again, and noticed that i got disconnected again.its a good thing im taking the monday off, so i can call them again and break my head with this disconnection thingie.but thanx to u amish, atleast i know the unstability of opening websites wasnt being caused by some conflict on my pc or due to the change in the telephone line.
