My pain and agony because of Jio Fibre

I am from Hyderabad and I bought my Jio fibre connection in Feb 2024. When the Jio representative named Mr. Balaji visited our society, he made several promises like there will be no disconnectivity issues frequently and if there's ever downtime, it will be fixed immediately. I also asked if it does happen frequently then what? He said then we will refund the amount of the remaining months.

He only gave us an option of buying for 12 months since he said that our society is a couple of kms away from the main road, and they will have to do special wiring. So many of us trusted him and Jio and bought the connection. It was mostly fine for a couple of months, but then we started facing issues like downtime and frequent disconnections for 2-3 minutes several times a day.

We tried to register official tickets on the app and even called Mr. Balaji several times, but he doesn't answer. We have a WhatsApp group as well, and even there, they only acknowledge the complaint saying they will fix it, but not once had he or any engineer visited to resolve the issue.

For the last couple of weeks, it had gotten worse. Devices were not connecting to the Jio router at all, and the Jio setup box especially would keep disconnecting. So I again raised a ticket via the app. I waited a couple of days and opened the app to check whatever happened to the complaint, only to find out that it had been marked resolved. I raised another ticket, but this time I did it over a call and specifically asked them to assign an engineer.

They again said that someone would visit in 24-48 working hours. I waited and checked, and it was again marked resolved. I was frustrated as hell, as Balaji, who is responsible for our connection, was just dodging my calls. Then again, I called the CS and asked them what the hell was going on? How could they keep marking it resolved without an engineer even visiting? They said that the backend team had resolved it already through the system (whatever that means).

I told her that I specifically asked for an engineer because my router/setup box is faulty. How in the world would they fix a mechanical issue by sitting hundreds of kms away from their office? I asked her to forward me to the escalation team. I tried my best and kept my cool and from the beginning explained to him the entire issue. He assured me that he's raised a special ticket and the issue shall be resolved within the next 8 working hours.

It was a Friday night. I waited till Monday 6:30 pm and called again and spoke to the escalation team. This guy's tone was as if he was my boss or I owed him money or something. He was absolutely rude and uninterested to talk. He said, "Wait till 7:30 pm. It's not been 8 hours yet." He said it like he was giving me an order. I asked him several times to, first of all, manage his tone, and I asked if he was sure that the engineer would arrive by 7:30 pm. He said yes.

Since that Monday, it's been 5 days, and I am still looking for that engineer to visit and replace my router and set up the box. It's like my primary job now is to keep raising tickets and see if the day comes when Jio feels generous enough to make sure a technician visits and solves the issue.
@rb9503 lodge a complain at cpgrams portal .
If your connection is postpaid, then I believe the amount paid for 12 months will be held as credit.
If yes, then you can disconnect the connection and will receive the rest of the amount.
