Radiation from Mobile Towers

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Government sent 102 notices relating to high mobile tower radiation

Show cause notices were issued to various companies by the government in 102 cases where mobile phone base station emissions were discovered to be higher than the prescribed radiation limit, Parliament was informed today.

The Department of Telecom (DoT) has initiated strict monitoring and enforcement of norms and in cases where excess radiation was discovered, corrective action has been taken immediately, Minister of State for Communications and IT Milind Deora said in a written reply to the Rajya Sabha.
I disagree with two important things he said.

1) He said if you stay near mobile tower than its even safer!! Because your phone does not have to radiate so much!! So chances of cancer is less!!

WHAT!! Thats completely wrong analysis.

What about the radiation from TOWER itself? Tower sends signal to like 10 thousand mobiles! Closer you are, more strong the radiation towards you.

2) He said radiation increases chances of cancer promoting cells by 3 times. And then argued that - out of 10000 people only 3 people get brain cancer. So even if its 3 times, figure would not be significant!!

What logic is that??? cells increasing 3 times does not mean that no. of people will increase to on average 9!!

If persons maximum resistance towards cancer cells is given a number say - 100
Those 3 persons out of 10000 definitely has cells > 100

If normal person has 40 cancer cells and now due to radiation it increase 3 times that means EVERYONE will get cancer and not just 9!!

(Note above numbers are just example not true values - just to explain the point)
The radiation from the tower is too diffused, radiation from cellphones is concentrated and much closer to you. It's like the moon and the sun thing, the moon being much closer to earth even though its much much smaller than sun has more influence on earth's tides than the sun.

LOL that's not what "chances of getting cancer means". Its a probability factor. The probability of getting cancer is 3 in 100,000 in normal conditions, and in radiation exposed environments you're more likely to get cancer, that is the probability is 9 in 100,000.

Also that swedish study isn't the best study as he suggested later in the video. There are more accurate/comprehensive studies that show no correlation between cancer incidents and cellphones.
NOTE: Cell towers do not create very intense microwave fields near your head. Phones result in much higher intensity radiation near your head because of their close proximity. So no, the benefit of better reception is not outweighed by proximity to the tower (as has been suggested in comments and emails)

That his response to your first doubt, you should've scrolled down a bit :P
Radiation from tower diffuses with distance but it would be definitely very concentrated near the tower.
That his response to your first doubt, you should've scrolled down a bit :p

LOL I use video downloader. Never read comments!! (Because video goes to download queue, I close the youtube page and mostly see the videos much later during free time)
