Reliance Wimax Broadband: Reliance WiMAX on Leopard

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If you are facing issues connecting to internet using wired connection to PoE modem of reliance then follow the workaround given below.. 1. Connect PoE modem's LAN cable to Laptop's NIC card.2. Restart PoE Modem. 3. Once PoE modem comes up (1 min after rebooting), reboot your leopard and boot it in "safe mode". To boot Leopard in safe mode, hold the shift key for a min or so AFTER you hear "start sound" from your leopard. This will take few min but it boots properly. After leopard comes up in safe mode, see your ip address of NIC card. It should be public IP. Once you recognized your IP as public IP, reboot your leopard in normal mode. You should get public IP again. Hope this is helpful. If you already know this solution then plz ignore this post.
I am not lucky second time. I was able to use internet yesterday night and today it failed obtaining the same. Seems like a problem with WiMAX and Mac combo (not sure if it is too early to say this.).Any one has any other fix/workaround for making Leopard work with Reliance WiMAX?I plugged in my laptop to my friend's BSNL network today and it worked perfectly fine.
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