surge protector for lancard

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some time ago at night ,surge or something came through sify lan cable and it burned the inbuild nic [intel 845 mobo],the cto refused to take any resbonsibility for it, because the pc was in extended warranty the mobo got replaced for some charges by the is there any surge protector available in market in the range of 100 to 400 Rs that can protect pc for lan surge protection,,thx for any info.
happened to me too once the inbuilt lan stoppped working and after a couple of days the motherboard got fried completely
i also use inbuilt nic but now i think better way wud be to buy an external nic so tht my mobo wont get fried coz i dont think der wud be a surge protector
Bhinder, u are right but it is not possible every time to unplug because sometime weather may be alright and there may be some problem in sify's lan.NeO,there are surge protectors for lan that come inbuild in apc's ups but currently its not possible to change ups, so i was trying to find some separate surge protector for nicelse separate nic is also a good option
im no expert on this im sure there r other ppl on this forum who are but inmho using a separate lan card would considerably lessen the chances of frying ur mobo bt not eliminate the possibility completely.. i think i saw one of those surge protector things for the computer which also had protection for a lan card.. trying desperately to find one for myself will let u guys know if i find one
what about the Sify modem ?Would have thought it stopped a search in the forum, this happened to me as well but there was no modem , just a cable that came over the trees into my nic..a real lightning magnet :(Surge protectors come in varying prices and coresponding levels of protection. This is something i would expect the ISP to sort out but not many bother since there is no liability for them. I tried to get the AIrtel guy to show me the one they used after he assured me they used them but he kept making excuses etc and the usual..i will get back to you..which of course he never did.IF the earthing in your house is properly grounded the biggest risk is from the cable that come comes form outside. A half-way solution woudl be to use a hub in the hope that gets fried before it reaches your NIC. I think Linksys does some that allow you to attach a grounding wire, but don't think these are on sale in india, u might have to import from abroad.The downside of a surge protector is that it will cause some loss of speed.

Well folks..... on 9th of this month I also joined the " Power Surge Fried my mainboard" club........ Let the PC on at 7 in the morning, just to find out the mobo (915GAV) got fried...Don't yet know the extent of damage till new mobo arrives, hopefully till 25th of this month...Long story short.. For all those people who think their mobo won't get fried, think again, n start using some sort of a protection... I learned it the hard way :(
i just got my onboard lan fried for the second time :P was too greedy and spent a night downloading when i shud have unplugged the computer lol im not getting a replacement this time too much bother and besides i just bought a new lan card so next time its gonna get fried and not my mobo :P btw @mojo did ya fry ur lan card or ur mobo?
