Tata Port Blockage Issues (& Very Poor Support On It)

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I had a Tataindicom 256kps unlimited account(PrePaid) for 6 months (at the moment have a Tata account for 1 month)
I am unable to send files on IRC due to ports being blocked.
I'm sad to say that they have handled my repeated requests about my problem quite badly.
Over 6 MONTHS have passed & the issue hasn't been Resolved!!!!!! - this is simply
ridiculous!!! - they kept saying something or the other (sometimes saying it has been resolved,..when it wasn't). - the 6 months got over without anything been done.
This is an application i use a lot & is a big problem for me; not to mention Paying for a 6 months unlimited connection.
Also, its not just this application, but this affects about any other application that used
similar dynamics. - Its a Crippling of internet functionality.
The required ports have to be open to incoming connections for the required service to be established.

I've used other providers before (exatt, pacenet...etc) & never had this problem.
I've always been able to send files, in the past,.. using Mirc on the IRC network.
With one previous provider once i had this difficulty & they set it right promptly within 15 minutes after one phonecall.
With tata over 6 months have passed & innumerable phonecalls & emails & nothing's changed.

Has Anyone else experienced this ?
Any feedback or help on this issue will be appreciated...


Location: Bombay
airtel users had similar issues in bangalore sometime back. no one was ready to listen. no idea if its opened now.
hi, appreciate the reply;.. i guess there are a couple of providers around where their particular setup & implementaions don't allow it.(one has to wonder whether there is an intentional factor about this since it can save them bandwidth.)

Actually just today i talked with one of their engineers where their main Servers are located in Bombay & he mentioned about filesharing applications being affected. - He talked to me quite awhile & told me some other implementations like DHCP PPP etc would have to be implemented for me to get that functionality i was looking for on IRC. - He said of course that he would not be able to implement this functionality on his own but would need an 'okay' from his superiors. - One of the methods he stated was also using a 'reserved Public IP ' & with Tata that would involve paying more for that reserved public IP. - Abroad people don't usually have to pay for this service.

Funny thing is now in the evening I just phoned a representative that visited their Main office in Bombay & had presented my issue there (this office is different from their main Server place, which the engineer with whom i had talked to earlier in the day was from) this representative after visiting the Main office tells me just the opposite, that the people at the main office told him all the ports are open.
I don't know whether these contrary statements are intentional or unintentional, but you get an idea how difficult it is communicating to them about such issues.
In this 6 month period they've said all kinds of things with which, if you don't know the root cause, they'd make you think its something to do with your PC or your setup etc,...& just make it pass by, like its nothing to do with them. - I bet a lot of people just let the lack of functionality pass probably as something they can't get to work or something like that. - they've said all kinds of things like throwing around words like 'Pirated Ports' or 'default applications', 'default services'. Like am to believe that all 65000+ ports are pirated. LOL.
The application am using can use any port range & can be configured to use the said ports.

I told the engineer that i've used varous providers exatt, pacenet etc & have never faced this problem & he agreed with me that those providers use a different implementation that allows the file sending on IRC which involves allowing incoming connections on the ports.

In my opinion, After paying those amounts the Customer shouldn't have to deal with these issues & a Crippled Functionality. Or else they should state at the beginning that we only offer such services, After all the customer is paying for an 'Internet connection' & not just for the usage of some fixed services or applications like email/browsing etc...

I await the next reply from them now...
quote name='redsun' date='Feb 23 2007, 11:11 AM' post='80891']

I had a Tataindicom 256kps unlimited account(PrePaid) for 6 months (at the moment have a Tata account for 1 month)
I am unable to send files on IRC due to ports being blocked.
I'm sad to say that they have handled my repeated requests about my problem quite badly.
Over 6 MONTHS have passed & the issue hasn't been Resolved!!!!!! - this is simply
ridiculous!!! - they kept saying something or the other (sometimes saying it has been resolved,..when it wasn't). - the 6 months got over without anything been done.
This is an application i use a lot & is a big problem for me; not to mention Paying for a 6 months unlimited connection.
Also, its not just this application, but this affects about any other application that used
similar dynamics. - Its a Crippling of internet functionality.
The required ports have to be open to incoming connections for the required service to be established.
I've used other providers before (exatt, pacenet...etc) & never had this problem.
I've always been able to send files, in the past,.. using Mirc on the IRC network.
With one previous provider once i had this difficulty & they set it right promptly within 15 minutes after one phonecall.
With tata over 6 months have passed & innumerable phonecalls & emails & nothing's changed.

Has Anyone else experienced this ?
Any feedback or help on this issue will be appreciated...


Location: Bombay
I think this may have a lot to do with whether you set your router up in NAT mode or Bridge mode.If its in NAT mode, then a ipconfig in the cmd line on ur pc will tell that you you have a private address which shoudl should be either 10.x.x.x or 192.168.x.x If its not the above then things get slightly easier, meaning your PC can be seen from the net. Of course this brings with it more risk as unless you a decent firewall installed on ur PC and are regularly patched, your chances of getting infected increase. If you PC is indeed set up this, and its still no go then your ISP is the person to talk to, it may or may not work as you have found out.In which case why bother using irc for sending files, just set up a ftp server and ask ppl to send to it or pull of theirs.I have never used IRC for sending files ever, in fact dcc is blocked etc and i'm on a LAN setup.Virus infections to date = ZERO
QUOTE(redsun @ Feb 23 2007, 11:11 AM) [snapback]80891[/snapback]
Has Anyone else experienced this ?
Any feedback or help on this issue will be appreciated...[/b]
Yes, me have experienced it. But its your fault. 100% purely YOUR FAULT. Why? Despite the widespread knowledge that TATA are cheaters you went in for their services. Ok, you didnt know about it earlier but what were you doing for 6 months? The issue shuold've been resolved in a couple of days. The fact is my dear that they block all kinds of ports. They give you a private IP ( 10.x.x.x or 192.168.x.x ) which is kinda illegal and they cheat you for your money. They have huge downtimes. Speeds suck big time. Plus they dont sign SLAs with individuals etc... So they basically suck big time.

Stay away from anythiing remotely associated with the naem TATA like TATA cell phones, TATA FWPs / FLPs, TATA Motors, TATA "broadband", TATA Steel, TATA Namak etc...

Take them to the consumer court if you have the time, money and the patience to see them suffer! :D


QUOTE(max @ Apr 8 2007, 02:35 PM) [snapback]86703[/snapback]
They give you a private IP ( 10.x.x.x or 192.168.x.x ) which is kinda illegal and they cheat you for your money.[/b]
Can anyone else corroborate this ?

Even with my 2-bit shit ISP from a few yrs back, i got a static IP, Rs.1000/yr to lease the ip from some .sg company.
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