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source :,1697,1851231,00.asp

Advanced Micro Devices dared rival Intel to put its server processors to the test in head-to-head competition, part of a public challenge AMD issued Tuesday.

The challenge, issued in the form of advertisements in major American newspapers, was timed to coincide with the the first day of the Intel Developer Forum, held in San Francisco. ADVERTISEMENT

AMD said it would pit its highest-performing, dual-core Opteron 200-series or 800-series chips up against the \"corresponding Intel X86 server processors that are commercially available in volume\". If Intel were to accept the challenge, the test would take place in an upcoming third-party testing lab, \"using industry-standard server benchmarks most relevant to customers today\", according to AMD, including SPECjbb and SPECweb, as well as measurements of energy consumption.

AMD has taken a much more aggressive stance against Intel in the coming months, including filing an antitrust lawsuit against Intel and persuading government agencies in Japan to examine Intel's business practices, whcih Intel has defended as within the law. Where AMD once declined to talk openly about its roadmap, the chip vendor has talked more openly about its Pacifica virtualization technology and even its plans for quad-core processors.

\"Since we launched Dual-Core AMD Opteron processors in April 2005, we've won every major industry-standard benchmark for x86 servers. AMD64 dual-core technology provides industry-leading performance, is easy to upgrade and is energy efficient,\" said Marty Seyer, corporate vice president and general manager of AMD's Microprocessor Solutions Sector, in a statement released Tuesday.

\"We are giving our competitor a fair and open opportunity to challenge our clear market leadership in a public setting,\" Seyer added. \"A head-to-head match using industry-standard benchmarks will arm customers with the information necessary to determine which company can best meet their computing needs. The gauntlet has been thrown down, it is time to cut through the hype, and demonstrate who the industry's leader in x86 dual-core processing is today.\"

Intel representatives were unavailable for comment at press time. But the topic is almost certain to be addressed at the Intel's developer forum, where speakers including chief executive Paul Otellini will take questions from the press.

AMD said they had launched a web site to monitor the duel's progess,, and would update the site periodically. The site was down early Tuesday morning. AMD also plans to sponsor an online petition in September, presumably to encourage Intel to accept the challenge.

In other AMD news, a German paper said that AMD was open to collaborating with German memory manufacturer Infineon on flash memory, Reuters reported. AMD has de-emphasized flash memory of late, preferring to focus on its processor business. It holds a majority stake in Spansion, a flash venture formed with Fujitsu. [/b]
i already know the winner... amd
they won't be calling for a public duel until they are confident they would winand i also know that intel won't be participateing in it
actually i do not think they even care. microsoft launched their 64 bit operating system after Intel launched their products. the market is with them. the corporates are with them. their bottomline does not get hurt with whatever amd throws at them. Dell wont get amd... so will most other big names. amd has however HP and Acer supporting them. its a start. but perhaps not good enough.
It'll come fast! AMD has been extremely good at its progress in past 5 years or so! They are ahead of Intel in so many technologies!

Germany is on the verge of censoring its Internet: The government – a grand coalition between the German social democrats and conservative party – seems united in its decision: On Thursday the parliament is to vote on the erection of an internet censorship architecture.

The Minister for Family Affairs Ursula von der Leyen kicked off and lead the discussions within the German Federal Government to block Internet sites in order to fight child pornography. The general idea is to build a censorship architecture enabling the government to block content containing child pornography. The Federal Office of Criminal Investigation (BKA) is to administer the lists of sites to be blocked and the internet providers obliged to erect the secret censorship architecture for the government.

The Dawning of Internet Censorship in Germany :

You think this is funny,YOU THINK THIS IS NOT BEING DONE FOR YOU:madness:

I am tired of your denial.wake up and face this like a man:@
