The Making Of A Muslim Terrorist


Guys if you can plz watch this movie by Rakesh Sharma:"]

Pl. watch this entire movie till the end. After watching it you may also agree to the fact that Osama Bin Laden is a labelled terrorists but there are many un-labelled terrorists like Praveen Togadia, Ashok singhal, Narendra Modi etc...

All these terrorists whether muslim or hindu have only one aim : "Kill". These people have always wanted to destroy the unity of this country just for their selfish need of being in power and play dirty politics of divide and rule... :angry:

Bottom Line: People who take innocent lives are inhuman and they dont have any religion. :angry:
I agree ......Narendra Modi, Ashok Singhal, Togadiya, Sajjan Kumar,KPS Gill, Jagdish Tytler,Bal Thakrey are as much terrorists as are Let, Hizbul, Osama and the likes.Its only that the former are or have in power and our Govts have either sponsered them or have soft corner for them.Atleast the latter are kept in check by the police and the army.....but the former terrorize and murder innocents and then roam free.
Watched The Power of Nightmares the other day. Much more informative than F-9-11. Free download as well.

Guardian comments here and here

Yes, this documentary came out before 7-11, but after Madrid and still think the points made are relevant.
Very interesting articles, both. Reminds me of the movie Vendetta. Perfect security can only be guaranteed in a world where humans do not exist. As long as they do, they will have dogmas. And every problem has its roots in some dogma.For religions, it is - there is one true god, our god. Every other god is false and those who follow them are heathen/ pagan/ infidels. And they need to be brought to book. And things go downhill from there, spiralling into an unending and uncontrollable cycle of violence, started by a few religious zealots, but whose after effects haunt generations to come. They will go to any extent to accomplish their megalomaniacal dreams. Islam is the current victim of such zealots. Christianity has been there previously.As far as hinduism goes, people were content with following the asinine caste system and insipid rituals till the RSS, VHP and similar organisations came up and tried to enforce the religion by fiat. Unlike islam or christianity, hinduism does not have a single god or prophet. It is a highly personal religion and no one has the right to tell a hindu what to do and what not to. If they think they can do that, they can go and f**k themselves (I can say this because I am a former hindu. Now I am an athiest - no religion, no god, no caste, nothing. Just me.) The RSS and VHP are hinduism's answer to the taliban. Taliban tore down the bamiyan buddhas and these b*****ds did the same to the Babri masjid. Who cares if a Ram temple existed there or not? If Aurangzeb destroyed it, they can go and settle the issue with him in heaven or hell. Why do it here?Another dogma is of the societal kind which lead to crackpot ideologies like communism and its various forms. Here, the individual is not subject to the whims and fancies of god, but of society. Private property, freedom and anything personal is bad. Anything done for the society is good. So the individual is chained to society and spends his entire life working without any personal gain. But since communism cannot work on its own, some individuals have to take control. They become more equal than others. And mass murder, lies, torture etc. are instruments of state policy because no rational person will work on such terms.The final kind, which the articles mention, is the dogma of preserving our way of life. The argument is - if we want to preserve the US/ UK way of life against attack from islamic fundamentalists, we have to give up more and more of our freedom. Terrorism is a problem. If the participants happen to be muslims, deal with it. Don't take it out on the entire community and don't expect apologies from them everytime something happens. Jurisprudence says that sons are not responsible for the debts of their fathers nor for their actions. The same principle has to be applied.Islam is an easy target because all major terrorists acts in the west have been accomplished by disgruntled muslims. The numbers are few, but if they think that killing innocent people will quell the fire in their hearts lit by actual and percieved assaults on islam by the west and even India, they are sadly mistaken. There cannot be any justification for the killing of innocent people.Knowing people, their irrationality and the ease with which they descend into any phobia, nothing can be done about the islamophobia sweeping the world. Irrationality cannot be argued with. Anyway, people seem to have forgotten that suicide bombings were invented by the IRA and LTTE. Al Qaeda and Co. are great copycats. What this does, however, is feed the security frenzy. Enterprising businessmen in US are selling bomb proof rooms, laws are being passed every day that will 'curb' terrorism, without considering what effect it has on civil liberties and every kind of shitty ideology is being propagated in the name of security.The day people can be lifted off the streets without any questions being asked, and burden of proof of guilt shifts from the state to the accused, that is the end of democracy and freedom. It all boils down to what freedoms are allowed to an individual by the state. It is the individual vs. the state, every time, and has been so for centuries.

There cannot be any justification for the killing of innocent people.

^^^This one line sums up your entire post. There cannot be any justification for the killing of innocent people whether the killed are Hindus/Muslims/Christians or others, they are HUMANS.

The killers are only "killers", they have absolutely no religion, because no religion teaches to kill innocent people.
^^^ so soon :P this thread is an year old and now ppl r replying :Dbut nice comments btw
@sneezymelon & Digital dude: If you are not aware this is not a dugg or a funny topic. There was a similar discussion going on here:

and so a link to this topic was posted for reference that a topic was posted a year ago (this one) and even after a year, situation is exact same.

When you can't be part of "serious n sensible" discussions its better to stay away from it...
