The Offtopic Thread (Archive 1)

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actually money is not what makes him happy. power does. and google is taking that away from his hands. if money was important for him, he would have sold microsfot when it was on the top and settle for a decent life. now, he has to wrok harder than ever before to stay compettiive in the market. u hate microsoft but still use their products...and be hypocrites like us! ;)what happens if google does simialr things like mS!! ;)power corrupts,absolute power corrupts absolutely!then we get to hate 3 ppl (billy + 2 founders of google)btw, i read google recently hired ppl by putting a huge signbaord on the highway which had a math/logic question...those who solved itgot a url...where they got more details about the job...Some1 get that question posted here!appreciate it!
ur right about google!AOL is Badnews for anybody....Times Warner Got screwed big time! when they merged with aolDuring Mergerboth had combined stock market value of $290 billionafter mergerToday AOL Time Warner’s market value is around $85 billion.hahaaa...this is pretty old news...but get the point!
but aol has content. and tons of it. google lacks a portal. if they can manage to rope in aol they get something very close to what msn and yahoo has. and that would make them a major web portal player.however, aol accoutns for around 11% of all google revenues. if aol does it with microsoft, google loses that 11% revenue share. it would really suck for them.
What do u think they'll call MS+Aol1) Anti-Google!2) Micro-AOL3) Desperate_attempt_to_beat_seach_engine_rockstars4) St0le's Company! (***** 5!!!)Suggest ur own...sushub make some jokes....this is a humour forum...(this is ...isn't it?)u r no fun with that seriousness!

u get PAID FOR THIS!!!!!!!??? can i have your life!???....plz....pritty plz...:((
well its a risky life. and no i dont get paid for moderating this site. its part of my online network which consists of a few sites. as a result it is part of my job. :)
so do i get your life? huh? huh? so do u host websites commercially?? for others!!? would u if any1 asked u frm this forum...(not lazy;))
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