Why Airtel Routing is messed up for Single Hosting servers?

@JB700 @blueman24 I raised the issue at very top level at this point and in Ahmedabad might be whole tech. team is aware of this issue, they found the problem after explaining them for like 2 months and raising multiple complaints, they are dealing with Upper level management for that as Routing is still using India - USA - Germany for most of the EU servers & Looks like my static ip is double NAT'd and Port forwards is not working at all. let's see..
@rajan20 in case it helps, the majority of affected servers (which all seem to be hosted by g-portal in case of bf3/4) have IP's from to
There is also a similar issue with some Japanese servers but i don't expect them to have perfect routing. If they fix routing to Europe, then that's enough.
[B]blueman24[/B] Yes I Provided them that series already ,including some Russian IP series with most common EA/Battlefield Ports, there was a IP blockage issue for DDOS Protection from G-Portal as well before which they resolved when i opened a ticket in half 2k19 , As i was having difficulties to connect to servers and i was not aware of this routing and all stuff before lol. now it's just Airtel side issue only. I hope they soon take some step to solve it immediately otherwise now only option is to change my Home and get a new ISP.
Update : Upper Management denied doing anything to do with their network, even they are not ready to give me static route or to provide congestion less line.

Now hitreg in game :

How it used to be :

End of story, Gonna Change ISP now.
I think GPortal can if they want reroute traffic as well (as Airtel isnt willing). I had an UltraSeedBox seedbox hosted in Europe and the traffic was very slow on default route. I was able to change the route from their website and get faster downloads.

So, I'm pretty sure GPortal to some extent can change the routes.
Sort of off-topic but today i tried running some tests on a friend's BSNL FTTH connection and they seem to have improved their routing considerably. I pinged one of these G Portal servers and got around 110ms latency! Did not expect that from BSNL of all companies. If Airtel thinks they can get away with thing's like this in the future because they have the "best" network then they need to get off their high horse.
I get about 130ms latency from my local isp who has transit with Airtel and Tata.
Initially they had only Airtel transit but recently they're using Tata for international routes and i thought it was a bad thing until now.
Airtel nowadays are sucking big time.
Maybe shift to some different game if changing the ISP doesn't help either?

and so on

I know it is the least helping answer but if the ISP you have in option isn't good

P.S.: You have Good Aim. I think R6 can make some good use of it.
