Why Airtel Routing is messed up for Single Hosting servers?

Sort of off-topic but today i tried running some tests on a friend's BSNL FTTH connection and they seem to have improved their routing considerably. I pinged one of these G Portal servers and got around 110ms latency! Did not expect that from BSNL of all companies. If Airtel thinks they can get away with thing's like this in the future because they have the "best" network then they need to get off their high horse.
Iam getting around 170s and 180s range. 🤔🤔And im using bsnl ftth
Can u post the traceroute if you do get time.
Well it was not my connection and bsnl has different pings depending on the IP that is assigned to you but i will try to post it tomorrow IF it's still the same ip (i think it was 57.xx range)
                                                                                                                    Packets               Pings
 Host                                                                                                             Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
 1. _gateway                                                                                                       0.0%    15    0.8   0.8   0.7   0.9   0.0
 2.                                                                                                     0.0%    15    2.8   2.5   1.1  13.7   3.1
 3. (waiting for reply)
 4. dhcp-192-192-9.in2cable.com                                                                                    0.0%    15    1.5   1.8   1.3   3.6   0.6
 5.                                                                         0.0%    15    2.3   2.8   2.0   5.7   0.9
 6.                                                                                                 0.0%    15   24.7  23.0  22.4  24.7   0.6
 7. ix-ae-0-100.tcore2.mlv-mumbai.as6453.net                                                                       0.0%    15   23.4  24.0  22.0  27.4   1.8
 8. if-ae-2-2.tcore1.mlv-mumbai.as6453.net                                                                         0.0%    15  129.0 130.1 128.8 136.1   2.1
 9. if-ae-5-6.tcore1.wyn-marseille.as6453.net                                                                      0.0%    15  128.5 129.1 128.2 130.8   0.7
10. if-ae-2-2.tcore2.wyn-marseille.as6453.net                                                                      0.0%    14  127.9 128.3 127.0 135.6   2.2
11. if-ae-7-2.tcore2.fnm-frankfurt.as6453.net                                                                      0.0%    14  132.1 133.2 131.4 145.6   3.6
12. if-ae-12-80.tcore1.fnm-frankfurt.as6453.net                                                                    0.0%    14  127.3 127.9 127.3 129.1   0.7
13. if-ina-2.tcore1.fr0-frankfurt.as6453.net                                                                       0.0%    14  132.2 129.5 128.3 134.0   1.6
14.                                                                                                    0.0%    14  131.2 131.9 131.0 136.1   1.3
15. gw-link11.retn.net                                                                                             0.0%    14  130.0 129.2 128.3 130.8   0.7
16. link11.ociris.com                                                                                              0.0%    14  146.3 134.5 131.2 151.3   6.2
17.                                                                                                 0.0%    14  129.0 129.4 128.2 139.8   3.0

My LCO switched me over to a different ISP recently which uses TATA Backbone.
Well it was not my connection and bsnl has different pings depending on the IP that is assigned to you but i will try to post it tomorrow IF it's still the same ip (i think it was 57.xx range)
I do get 59 series ip and I guess 57 too..
And that test was done through 117 series.
Will test further and report back. 😊👍

So, Many Questions , I would like to take time to answer them all.
Thing is there is no other ISP is available in my Area so gotta Stuck with Airtel as for a now.
Meanwhile Guys can you Tracert this IPs of Gportal with diff. ISP like ACT, GTPL, BSNL FTTH or Any Local ISP. would be helpful.
IP : ,
1) JB700 : I will Consider Opening a ticket in gportal again and ask them to re - route connection for IP. It's not just G portal issue tho.[/B]
2) mayank yadav : I have maybe, not sure tho as My HDD was Crashed. will ping you if i found any.
3) vignesh_venkatesan : Please Share Tracert or ask ISP how they route their connection.
4) gomfi, Nitin : Thanks for Appreciation of Aim, I do play BF4, PUBG PC and they are having same issues, It's not just G portal issue tho.
5) Again JB700 : Is there any way i can request Airtel to use TATA Backbone for my connection?

Also There is 1 common Question of my, Airtel uses Huwei Router with ACS System so they can check My router from their Office, It's like remote connection to my router, can i disable that?
I don't think Airtel would be willing to route through TATA as it will cost them more in transit compared to routing through an exchange. Considering that they weren't willing to even change routing to another IX, I doubt they will do anything about this. Really annoying as it affects everyone not just home users. The college I go to has an Airtel LL and there too routing is shit.
JB700 Yes they won't do anything and Opening a ticket in Gportel is also not worked as it takes 230+ MS Ping time in India(new Delhi) Only. and it only takes 10-30 ms to get delivery from USA to Germany, How Fast across Sea ! but not in india lol. they won't understand the issue idk why.
Iam getting around 170s and 180s range. 🤔🤔And im using bsnl ftth
Can u post the traceroute if you do get time.
Sorry I was out of town.
Here is a screencap


  • Tracert.webp
    54.3 KB · Views: 328
