YOU Broadband's horrible routing causing high latency and slow speeds. (Pune)

  • Thread starter Thread starter D@rekills4
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  • Replies Replies 164
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I have been a YOU Broadband customer since the last three years.

However, since last year, there have been a lot of high latency and routing issues.

For example, latency to Singapore should be around 70ms to 80ms.
Now a days, the same servers give a latency of 170ms to 180ms.

United Kingdom used to be around 130ms, now a days its 280ms.

Why the additional 100 - 150 ms you ask?
Well , I did a traceroute and the results indicate that 'most' traffic from YOU Broadband (or atleast my connection in Pune, Maharashtra) is being routed through United Kingdom, Vodafone's AS1273 for some reason.
Screenshot (trace to in Singapore goes through UK):

Now, here's the catch.
Whenever I restart my modem / router, I get assigned a connection from YOU Broadband. Most of those connections have these same high latency issues. But once in a blue moon, I will get assigned a connection, which does not have this high latency issue, in that case, traffic is being routed through TATA's AS4755.

They seem to be using two lines, the main one from Vodafone and the backup one (which I rarely get) from TATA. I can just hope to get lucky to be assigned a connection from TATA's AS4755.

The higher latency and bad routing is also causing slow download speeds from a few websites hosted out of India. Sometimes I choose my phone's Vodafone 4G connection to download the same files as it is much faster than my wired connection.

These are the download speeds I get:


Same files being download with Vodafone 4G:

(4 .8 MB/s as compared to 951 KB/s on YOU Broadband)


(535 KB/s as compared to 114 KB/s on YOU Broadband).

For reference I am using the YOU Broadband 200 MBPS plan which is the highest one currently available.
The few connections that do not go through AS1273 but go through other AS such as Google's give me my full speed of 200 MBPS or even 10 to 20 MBPS more.

I have no idea why is traffic being routed through Vodafone's AS1273 which is causing high latency and slow speeds. Maybe it's because Vodafone purchased YOU Broadband and is forcing them to use their own AS1273.

That is all I wanted to say.

For anyone out there looking for low latency connections, YOU Broadband is not a good choice (atleast in Pune where the routing is this horrible).
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Updated the post with information on TATA's AS4755.
Yes the pings are as you told I am A YOUBroadband user from only 1 Year maby before that the pings are use to ee lo?

@D@rekills4 I am using YOU Broadband in Hyderabad can you give some IP addresses to test the trace rout?

Here are some IP Address to ping and traceroute: - (Singapore) (United Kingdom)

Let me know what the results are.

Singapore speedtest

I see you are getting a latency of 160 but you should be getting something around 50 to 70 (as you live closer to Singapore), and I should be getting 70 to 80 as I live a bit away in Pune.
But you get 160 and I get 200 and sometimes even 280.

U.S speedtest

US latencies are mostly unaffected by this issue.
India to Singapore should be 35-120ms.
35-50 only for Chennai.
50-65 south India
65-120+ for whole north India.

Anything more than 120ms for Singapore from India on wired connection means something is fucked up.
India to Singapore should be 35-120ms.
35-50 only for Chennai.
50-65 south India
65-120+ for whole north India.

Anything more than 120ms for Singapore from India on wired connection means something is fucked up.

Which it is. YOU Broadband and it's shit routing.
I mean, latency to UK should be around 130 and even though it goes through Vodafone's AS1273, which is in Europe itself, when contacting European servers, the route goes through US giving 300 ping to European server.
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