11th day of waiting for plan migration

This is my first thread here, I just joined mainly cz I've been fuming for the past 11 days over airtel's pathetic service.. My problems started on the 19th of august, when I decided to change my broadband plan from the 799, 256 kbps UL plan, to the 2 mbps limited 999 plan... I was told by the employee that it would take upto 5 working days to get it done. Next day I got a call from them, saying that my plan would be migrated within 48 hours.. So, I patiently waited for 2 days, and then called once again. This time I was told that it would be done within 24 hours.. Nothing was done, so I called again after a day, and was this time told that since saturday was a holiday, my plan would surely be migrated by monday.. It was getting annoying since I'd never had problems with airtel before.. So on monday, again another person tells me that "sir, we are xtremely sorry, it will be done by tomorrow", he sounded kinda genuine, so I stupidly took his word for it..Now, the intersting bit starts.. On tues, when still nothing is done, an employee tells me that there's been a problem with the update procedure,some software issue, so it will take 3 more days ie till this friday...you can pretty much imagine how fed up I would be with this, but this was all a preparation for things to come!!Yest., that's friday, I call and am told by a guy called siddharth that my plan has already been migrated on the 23rd, that's last satrday! WTF, I tell him that his collegues have been telling me that my plan's not been migrated for the past 5 days.. He says that the problem was at my end and he was sending a man to my home within 6 hours.. This guy come,Mr arif akram, checks the speed, calls up his boss and finds out that the plan has NOT been migrated from some place in Okhla!! He then calls the cc and starts arguing about this with them.. He goes on to promise me that the problem will be solved within a few hours, n I would get a call cofirming it.. Btw, this was the 10th day following my request..And yes, you guessed it, nothing is done yet again, so I called Mr arif up, get the usual response that my boss is in a meeting.. Unfortunately, I called up the CC again, and has another fruitless brainstorming session with them:@..Arif finally calls up and tells me that my work will be done by tomorrow for sure by his 'boss'.. well today's another day when its supposed to be done, I'am about to call arif up again, and well, now expect to be dissapointed.I know that some of you may have had similar expieriences, and would request you to tell me what further steps to take..Besides the time its taken, I'am sick of the--Lack of concensus among the cc employees regaurding my plan - Their inability to give me a conclusive answer.- and confusing the hell out of me and each other over this issue..
Welcome to broadbandforum.co
Sorry to hear you are having problems with CC of Airtel.
Send E mail to CC and follow up with appealate if no action.
You will get an auto generated reply first.
Airtel | Quillem.com
Para two:
Check your bill for period ending 25th Aug ( if billing cycle ends on 25th ) for unlimited usage.
When you migrate to limited tariff, you can get date wise details of usage also.
Register at nearest Airtel office. Take Photo Identity card and a spare color photo. You will get a userID and password by email, within three days.

@amish full message sent in IE ( IETAB) by FF. NoScript disabled. Problem in posting messages in FF.
@sushubh please check. get message " too short etc " often in FF.
Sorry to hear about that.... why don't send a complaint mail to airtel.... in my case they did it immediately.... all i did was call & ask them..... they sent me a msg & the next day i called....i was already in the new plan.....Best of luck dude:thumb:
