2 Internet Connection On 1 Pc?is It Possible

  • Thread starter Thread starter swlunatic
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BSNL DataOne
Hi guys!!!!
I have a doubt....can i use 2 internet connections on 1 pc....
according to what i know i cannot use them at the same time......but thats not a problem for me....
i have a cable net connection which i have been using for 6 months and recently got a bsnl connection(dataone)....
now my problem is that....i have been in a contract with the cable internet guy ..and so cannot disconnect it for atleast 3 more months....
now coming to the point....
i use a lot of torrents and i want to upload on the cable connection during day-time(as its unlimited) and download with bsnl(night time)....
is this possible??????
if so...plz guide me how to set it up and working....
Hope to get prompt replies from all of u...

ps:i dont want to use them at the same time...
and am not that good at networking...so plz help me..
An easy way is to just disable the connection that you don't want to use. For example, in morning you can disable BSNL and enable cable. In evening you can disable cable and enable BSNL.
winproxy was one application which i think can help ya use two connections at one single time.
@net freak:u mean that i create 2 connections...one for bsnl and other for cable...and disable one while enabling the other....does it work?????because i have only 1 lan card in my pc..and it has the cable net address in it!!!!!@sushubh:thanks for the helping reply...but i dont want to use both at the same time.....can u help????and from ur profile i see u use 2X256 kbps connections....is this possible by winproxy that u have mentioned...or do u have 2 pc's??
connect the BSNL modem through USB...when u want to upload, use the cable connection and unplug the modem USB cable...when u want to download, plug the modem USB cable and disable the cable connection by right clicking on the two computers icon on the taskbar...later when u want to run cable connection again, go to network connections and enable that and keep on doing the same...
thanks coolbuddy...another problem is that......my modem does not have a USB...it has 4 ethernet ports and 1 wireless.... :( :( :( :( :(

then just get a new lan card and put the BSNL into that and do the same enabling and disabling thing...it's not that cumbersome as u think...
