9/11 - Are Americans The Victims Of A Hoax?

  • Thread starter Thread starter cyberwiz
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yes its a big hoax, probably one should watch lose change 2 which proves with lot of technicals why 9/11 was planned.9/11 gave America the right to justify anything and everything in name of Terrorism by scaring its own citizens...
i plan to see the movie 'Death of a President' to make myself feel better.
The United States is prepared to cut the Russian Federation off from the oil rich middle east, and to control transportation routes from China and India into the Middle East. When Russia realizes that this is the real agenda, that's when "Dubya Dubya Three" will really get going![/b]

Huh ? does this guy realise that Russia already has the worlds largest reserves of Oil & natural gas within their borders already :)...its not as cheap to get at as the gulf but its there nonetheless.

Personally i think ppl thinking 9/11 was perpertrated on the US with colloboration from their own government is whacko! ...smells of rampant conspiracy theory largely based on circumstantial evidence. Some ppl just cant acept the plain facts cos its just not as appealing, it has to be a conspiracy...yeah..thats got to be true now hasn't it.

Wanna know a big secret(?)... the US services are goddamn embarassed they were caught with their pants down. Of course they are going to seal information to keep any more of thier incompetence from spilling out, cos then you got those awful judicial enquiries and heads start to roll. Damage limitation, plain & simple. What the Democrats would do, to have clear *PROOF* something like this took place. Why, no..they chose to be quiet about it, when it woudl have resulted in an impeachment, tit for tat.

How the F** is it possible not to know 9/11 was going to happen when your operating budget is more than a lot of countries annual GNP ?

They got into similar hot water when we set off a few explosions in 98 and they were totally clueless to it.

To be fair any country could have been caught in the same way...to know what'sgoing to happen, you need to have a police state with everyone informing on some one else. So now they are so scared they are actually starting to behave like one.

There you go, no conspiracy bs, simple reason..

If you want something more informative with less hype about what the neo-cons want to do..watch this. I did post this earlier but for some reason can't find it anymore.
QUOTE(cyberwiz @ Oct 31 2006, 08:55 PM) [snapback]67322[/snapback]
Interesting article..check it out


Some arguments are good..intl community has been suspicious of trigger happy bush's policies.
The only hoax here is that site.......... really.... I don't think it's meant to be taken seriously.

Anyway you should check this South Park episode out. Makes a whole lot more sense than most of the bullsh*t out there (as usual :D )
well hoax or not there are quite a few inconsistencies in the american version.and it would be foolish to accept official govt versions as they are made out to be.. coz be it the american govt or any other..they are not usually very forthcoming abt the correct sequence of things involving any controversial event.

There's a difference between 'inconsistencies' and 'complete bullsh*t'. These conspiracy theories fit the latter quite perfectly.

Here's a link for your reading pleasure.
QUOTE(cyberwiz @ Nov 2 2006, 12:24 AM) [snapback]67424[/snapback]
and it would be foolish to accept official govt versions as they are made out to be.. coz be it the american govt or any other..they are not usually very forthcoming abt the correct sequence of things involving any controversial event.
....why stop at just what the US govt. says, why not also continue with any of the con theories as well ?

nice link vebmetal btw, if this was just some isolated post on the forum, i could have cared less, but there is a sizeable proportion of ppl that *really* believe what cyberwiz said.
take it easy guyz u u have a set of views..and u r entitled to keep that ..dont get too emotional.
Its fun to take these theories for their entertainment value.... they make for interesting reading and are good time to kill a weekend if you can't go out.
