Aadhaar mandatory for Cowin Vaccine Certificate?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sushubh
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1. Say it is not mandatory 2. Make it mandatory w/o any backing of law or any regard to court orders.
India is being ruled by Diktats and is not being governed by Democratic procedures.
In the name of majority rule we are having Mobocracy. No party should ever have absolute majority in center.
Here in Madhya Pradesh they can accept any ID. I have given them my driving license, dad has used his passport.

I feel that there is a way on the app to bypass it, because I have seen the guy doing it (seeing my DL number and than matching it with my document) so no, I would say. Aadhar is not mandatory.
Why don't have a simple drop down option to chose which verification card you want to submit. Unnecessary complications.
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@Nikhil Sharma yeah...
Is it also available while generating certificate after dose 1?
Never got the experience as not received any jab.
Here in Madhya Pradesh they can accept any ID. I have given them my driving license, dad has used his passport.

I feel that there is a way on the app to bypass it, because I have seen the guy doing it (seeing my DL number and than matching it with my document) so no, I would say. Aadhar is not mandatory.
I would say. Aadhar is not mandatory.
That is the official statement. Even the Supremce Court says so. But do the guy sitting on whatever window counter say it?
Aadhaar is demanded by default and often touted as the only option. You have to literally make a fuss /argue before other types of id are even acknowledged.
Tell me Aadhaar is voluntary when the govt officials we have to interact with acknowledge it by default.
Took Covid vaccine using Aadhaar? Your National Health ID has been created without your permission
A unique health ID number is causing confusion among several people who are seeing it for the first time on their vaccine certificates.
The number is seemingly being generated at the vaccine centres without the people's consent.
Only some basic information is needed to generate a person's health ID.
Then again, it was observed recently that many vaccine centers mandated people to bring their Aadhaar cards at the time of their vaccination. The mandate was implied even on those who had originally registered on the CoWin portal using a different identification.

It was observed in a specific case that the Aadhaar card mandate was put up as a system-level requirement on the vaccination centre, making it compulsory for everyone at the centre to share Aadhaar card details.
