Airtel broadband not always loading pages

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Hi everyone.This is my first post here and I need to find out if anyone else is having the same difficulties.I have the airtel 256K unlimited package in Gurgaon with a 220BX modem set to bridge mode and a Linksys router. The connectivity is fine and i have set the port forwarding correctly for use with eMule, hence the reason for the unlimited package :)The problem is that while I get roughly the 256k download (I used to do a speed check) the internet pages do not always load correctly. I would understand if it was slow (which it shouldn't be really) but these are just not loading, I click refresh and have another go and they load straight away sometimes but not at other times.There is no adware, spyware, viruses or anything else unwated on my PC from what I can tell. In fact it is exactly the same experience with my work laptop, but the laptop works as expected when connected to any other internet connection so clearly there is something sticking in the airtel end.I have tried is with the router removed (obviously configuring the modem correctly), but this did not cure the problem.Has anyone else had page loading issues with airtel and how did you resolve them?I have even tried using the openDNS ip addresses to resolve any page finding issues but this was no better (or no worse either!) :redface:HELP anyoneAlso considering a move to the 1999 plan, but not beofre this is resolved!
It happens on only some particular sites or all of them? If it is all, i suggest you do a packet loss test to see where if any packets are being dropped.
Thanks for your comments.It happens with pretty much every website, but not all the time. For example, if i go to the BBC website ( it sometimes loads well other times it will hang and I need to refresh and then refresh again until the page requested loads. Often the front page of a website will load ok, but is getting into the website that proves difficult. i happens on websites with high traffic and low traffic.I know it is not my PC as the same thing happens on my work laptop when connected to my home wifi, but it never happens to the laptop when on my work wifi connection.I have called Airtel and explained the problem to them, they'll send someone round today. At least that's what they said!That odd thing is if I connect to skype or emule it wirks fine once connected. For example, with emule I can donwload at close to the 256k of the connection. Obviously I disconnect and close emule down when I try an browse though.I was using some network analyser software last night ot monitor that traffic. When I was having the web problem, and the browser was showing 'waiting....' in the status bar at teh bottom the traffic was between 0b and 4kb (were talking bits here in bytes!) so clearly nothing is happening. I'm pretty much convinced it is an Airtel issue on their servers. Hopefully it will be sorted by the weekend!
Sorry it has taken so long to get back but unfortunatly this website was very difficult to access over the last couple of days from my home! Anyway I managed to run the test as directed and all looks ok except within the Airtel network. See test 10 and 8 in the results below. Any idea what that means?
Sorry about the formatting, this is the bast I could copy and paste across. If it is unreadable I can email it in word format

Hop Host LOSS Rcv Sent Best Avg Worst
8 0% 60 60 258.87 263.13 270.26
2% 59 60 260.96 265.00 276.61
10 ??? 100% 0 60 0.00 0.00 0.00
2% 59 60 296.07 303.65 336.08

Hop Host LOSS Rcv Sent Best Avg Worst

6 0% 60 60 280.00 281.81 301.27
2% 59 60 283.65 285.40 292.45
8 ??? 100% 0 60 0.00 0.00 0.00
2% 59 60 320.36 325.19 409.39

That first hop always times out for me too, it isn't a problem, seems like Airtel has configured it to not respond to ICMPs.Your test seems to be fine in terms of packet loss, now at least that can be ruled out as the cause, but the actual cause still is a mystery. Which firewall(if any) do you use?
I use Sunbelt Kerio as a firewall (free edition). I have tried disabling it but to no avail.A guy from Airtel came round today, and as you would guess there was no problem!!!!! However as soon as he left the problem started again! So I called him back (thankfully his mobile number, which was good of him) and gues what - yep, it was working fine again. Very annoying :wall:I do have a temporary solution for now though in that the Opera brower seems to work. I am at home now with eMule in the background - so something must be working!Airtel said they did nothing for my connection, though I am not so sure.What is odd is that Internet Explorer has been totally reset to default. I also never had any problem with this PC when I was in the UK. My broadband there worked fine on the same PC!!I have ran Adaware and Seek & Destroy to find malware/ adware and have done numerous virus scan (with ACG - again the free edition) but they all found nothing. Essentially my PC appears clean :)I'll see how it goes over the weekend!
