An Airtel Customer Experience which is worse than Reliance


Airtel BB; DTH: TS+ HD
OKAY. Here's the chronology of what happened to me:13th July 2011: I register a complaint with 198 as my internet was getting disconnected even when in use on a pretty frequent basis. A guy called Abhishek turned up at my place and does the usual chores read: 1. reset the broadband pwd2. check the line like 30 times in 5 minutes (which effectively pissed me off since i have activated parallel ringing to my cellphone.)and the likes and goes back saying "Sir. looks like a backend issue. I will sort it out".Now the usual experience with Airtel was that problem would have been solved and so it was in this case (i have no clue how when nothing was repaired).28th July 2011: The problem recurs. I register another complaint. No response. 31st July 2011: I call 198 and give the customer care guy a thrashing(coz the ticket created on 28th had been closed without response) stopping short of just abusing him. The same douchebag Abhishek turns up and re-starts his usual trial and error methods. Suddenly he has a Eureka moment. Said "Sir your SNR isnt in the acceptable range. I should get the line changed", I say "Fine go ahead". Around afternoon 1 o clock, the lineman turns up with Abhishek and fixes part of the line from the DP to my premises. Then Abhishek says "This part has been done. We will now connect the exchange part and your line will be dead for a few hours". I told him to go ahead. At 7:15 he called me up and asked me whether my internet is working, I told him I had just come out, and I will check up once i am back home. At 8.15, I called him up to inform him that the internet is now not working at all. He said "Since I have reached home. I will not be able to help you." I was furious. I called up the call center and told them that I want a disconnection due to this apathy shown to me.1st August: Retention calls me up and asks why? I tell them the whole story and retention "assures" me of a solution within 24 hours.2nd August: Another person from the field tech team calls me up and I have to tell him the whole story again. He asks me a time for scheduling a visit. I commit to him that I will be available at 5 in the evening and so I am. Another idiot who goes by the name of Shekhar comes casually enough at 5:30 and starts the whole "Airtel chores" again. No respite and he leaves saying that due to the line change tags needed to be updated at the MDF. I tell him to follow up with me.3rd August: That Shekhar guy calls me up in the evening and when I report to him that the problem is still unresolved he still has the audacity to close the ticket.4th August: I call up the Nodal desk for some respite at 6 o clock in the evening. He assures me that within 12 working hours my problem will be resolved. 5th August: Nodal desk calls me up and says someone will be there to check out. No response from tech team.6th and 7th: No nodal since they work only weekdays(Well as far as I am concerned, they do not work at all). No tech response also.8th August: No intimation from Nodal. I reach the appelate and give them an ultimatum about reaching the consumer forum. Till now my internet is down. Lets see whether any help comes out.Will keep the forum posted on further developments.
I would suggest to disconnect the connection at once.Now the problem is internet not working, the worst is yet to come.
@ ^ i think you did not read through the essay. I have a pending disconnection request with them. They are not letting me do that too. And they have sent me the bill including the period 13th to 25th which I requested the nodal and the appelate to reverse.--8th August (Part 2): They sent out a telephone guy instead of the broadband tech team(idiots) when i clearly told the appelate desk that its my broadband that is the issue. I told him to get lost and send out the BB guys. He went away but noone else came. Called up appelate again and fired at the lady there giving her time till this weekend. She had the audacity to tell me that it takes more time than I have waited to sort out the kind of issue that I am having. As if I am asking for the moon. Anyways I was still patient enough told her that I will initiate legal action on Tuesday next. Also asked her to give out status every day at mid-day about what is happening.9th August: No phone call as requested. I have called appelate and told them to keep the connection to themselves and stop sending me bills. I am planning to go to court against these buggers. Any other ideas folks?
That is what i was trying to say. Surrender the connection at once and no voice communication only written one

In the menatime you can complain at
welcome to the harrowing world by these broadband companies . I too have just undergone a harrowing time with reliance u can check the thread there if u have time .. and i hope my issues are solved lol .. anyhow , its 2011 and its sad we have to undergo this mental trauma, one would have thought that broadband should have become like a mobile connection which should have full uptime .. or if there is an issue should get resolved very quickly .. wish u all the best and hope that your problems are resolved ...
@bbfreak: Isnt that a grievance link for government agencies?

I think I should personally remove the cable running to my house from the DP.

I sent them this email yesterday.

From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On
Behalf Of Rajiv Krishnan
Sent: 09-08-2011 3:41 PM
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: Final Warning before initiating Legal Proceedings against
Bharti Airtel Limited for my broadband connection 0124-43XXXXX


I have registered a complaint with your customer care, nodal voice desk,
appellate voice desk to no avail. I was facing a frequent disconnection
issue on my broadband since the 13th of July. After repeated complaints
my line was changed on the 31st of July and since then there is no
access to the internet from my premises. I have knocked every available
redress mechanism of Airtel to no avail. If this is the shabby way you
treat a customer who has been with you for 4 long years, it is
untenable. All I have gotten from your customer teams is hollow

I assure you that after this email there will be no further
communication from my end and if my issue is not resolved within the
week, you will here from my legal team under the provisions of the
Consumer Protection Act of 1986. This is my last and final warning to do
two things:

a) Restart my connection

b) Revert my bill from 13th of July.


Rajiv Krishnan

This is an automated (most possibly by the looks of it) reply I recieved today from airtel presence.

Dear Customer,

This is to inform you that your concern has been noted and our team is
working on a resolution. At the outset, we apologize for the
inconvenience faced by you. We will get in touch with you for further
details of your concern as the need arises.


Rakesh Kumar

Airtel Presence (Airtel Customer Service Team)

Bharti Airtel Ltd
my airetl line went down for past 10 days few months back did not get any waver either...
