Broadband Connection from 400 m far pole?


I wanted to get BSNL Broadband connection (the only option!) but the nearest landline pole is nearly 400m far from my home. I've to ask them regarding this but at this time, can someone from you tell me if there is any hope to get connection here?

And if they say that they can't than is there anything I can do?

Hoping for a quick reply, thank you! :)
I am talking about common sense. If I have access to good wired connectivity, and I have multiple devices at my home that are used on a daily basis... Why would I get wireless internet that costs more and quality of service is inferior?

Maybe I just expect too much from the people of this country. No wonder 4G is being hailed as the replacement for wired broadband. Jai Digital India.
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Maybe I just expect too much from the people of this country.

Certainly, if the top broadband forum in India is not having a traffic less than 100 crore visits per month. ;)
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Sorry for responding here after long time. :P

I don't think I can convince anyone. I asked a local WiMAX Broadband service provider and they said that my area have so many trees for there device to catch signals. :banghead:
And they will come in some time to check whether it is possible to give reliable connection here.

So, can someone tell me how WiMax connection is provided? Means, there will be one device on the top of the house and a wire will be connection to the computer? Please try to explain me about it! :(
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Means, there will be one device on the top of the house and a wire will be connection to the computer
You have just answered your own question:) and this is only from what I have seen on my friend's house.

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I got my first broadband connection in April 2005, I was at the end of the 5 Km range and the drop wire connection was unstable, my SDO promptly installed a multi cable [ 16 wires in one cable ] that stabilized my connection , and it has stayed till date.

Now that the bb range has extended to 20+ Km from the exchange, i don't think 400+ mtr distance from pole is any issue, just meet the local SDO [ Lines ] and your problem will be promptly sorted out.
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