BSNL Broadband high latency to US servers

  • Thread starter Thread starter makubex
  • Start date Start date
  • Replies Replies 17
  • Views Views 7,147 Primary ( ( switches to open DNS and you want to do the reverse !What exactly is your problem ? Do you want to reduce the ping time to play games ?or usual torrents download? What is special about those IPs you have given ? One in New York and another in San Fransisco ?Can you access websites normally? and download applications/files/photos etc?What is the current D/L U/L speed as tested in Mumbai server and one or two foreign servers?
I can access websites fine, downloads are fine, and torrents work fine too (I hope they continue to work fine... with BSNL you never know what might happen :rolleyes:)

I want to reduce ping times so that I can play games, the servers which I posted are the game servers, and my ping times to those IPs are horrible. I thought it might be a problem on the server side... which is why I asked people to post their ping times here, but others have normal ping times(of around 250 ms)

then I asked friends in my area (one who has BSNL and another who has Airtel), the one with BSNL connection had bad ping times like me, but the Airtel guy had no problems. This leads me to think that this is a problem with BSNL specific to my city/region.

Everybody switches to open DNS and you want to do the reverse !

why so surprised essbebe, you adviced me to try :P
my IP changes, but my gateway is always

I am already using Open DNS, and I'm getting these high ping times, would changing the DNS servers back to the BSNL ones improve the situation?
I am already using Open DNS, and I'm getting these high ping times, would changing the DNS servers back to the BSNL ones improve the situation?
why so surprised essbebe, you adviced me to try
Ok. Could be wrong suggestion or right suggestion in your case. My apologies. I should not have advised you to TRY.
Update:1150 AM for record purpose only
Now I am on same Default Gateway 59.92. 80.1!
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0
(0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 382ms, Maximum = 436ms,
Average = 416ms
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4
(100% loss),
Tracing route to
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 1 ms
I mailed the BSNL SDE regarding my problem & asked him to try to rectify it, this is the response I got:

The internet service is always \"best effort service\" ,hence no QoS is assured.The customer may be requested to use our GoD service(Local servers,within BSNL's Network) available at
how outrageous?!! no QOS?! :@Would you have accepted this answer if you were in my place?
I have a feeling that he does not even want to try to rectify the problem.:@
I have a feeling that he does not even want to try to rectify the problem.
assuming he even understands what your problem actually is.:P
well I've tried arguing with the people at BSNL CC, and I've talked to anyone who was (supposedly) capable of helping me.I see that even essbebe got around 300-400 ms ping times, gateway being anyone with the IP format of post their ping times please? If its any better, I can order a new connection

I was suffering with terribly high latency, which was mainly affecting my online gaming. I noticed that my friend and I both have our BSNL connections from the same exchange, but there was a world of difference between our performance. Though I have a 512 Kbps connection, my friend's 256 Kbps seemed to be lag free. I, on the other end could hardly play 90% of the online games without lag. The culprit turned out to be my Starcom UT300R2U modem. I got the modem exchanged in my local exchange, and now my latency has reduced to a great extent. I still have a UT300R2U, but the one I have now is a 'Made in China' one, which the original was made in India...
BSNL Dataone has very high latency for me too, even though I am one NIB-2. Nothing can be done, it is just the way our core infrastructure is. In fact, as far as latency is concerned, there is not much difference between dataone and Sancharnet Dial-up. It is only when the server starts sending data that dataone shines because it has higher throughput.The only way to reduce latency is to host servers in India itself. But that is very expensive.
