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Hi friends,
Pls read this as it stands to benefit you. If you are calling up Customer Care these are somethings you can do which I do often and it helps.....

1) Report Issue:
Give your user ID and report your issue----"Network cable unplugged etc.". Let them know what error code you are getting: BB101, BB108 etc. Be clear and firm when you are complaining. If you are frustrated with a bad service you have all right to express yourself firmly!
(Don't waste your time in pleasantries and dont be easily convinced...this is not chat therapy! Remember you are wanting a solution to your issue or greivances!

Don't be profane to an individual!

This is what you may say: Complain about the may say it is a crap service...this or that is deliberate...your local ISP cares little...the service is a pay in advance and all you get is end up calling the local ISP so often it is now even escalating your phone is inconvinient and annoying to call over and over you understand my issue? I have been calling for hours......I cant stand up with this I want a Supervisor....You dont seem to understand my problem at all...this is not a trivial issue...I am paying for this service....You dont seem to care enough...I have to bang my head first with my local ISP and then with Customer Care....I want a complaint number no matter what....the previous CCE disconnected me don't do that again....nice capping program you have of making a customer lose a day for meagre excess usage. Good for you the customers are not capping your money for losing on time or service.....what do you mean its not your issue. Don't you represent sify?....when its renewal time we have your ppl calling us over and over and when I have an issue all I have to do is waste hours together to get it resolved! No one cares to call up then!......Don't be rude by interrupting me before I have completed telling you the issue.....I am not going to settle for a 2 day compenstion pack for 64 kbps when I have signed up for 256 unlimited worth 795 and I have lost 5 whole days due an issue on your end. No way! I want an equivalent compensatory pack! No more, no less.....etc)

2) Complaint number:
Note down the Customer Care Executives(CCE) name and your Complaint number for the call. Insist for a Complaint number even if the CCE says no. Be sure to confirm this twice or thrice.

3) Why the complaint number is important?:
The complaint number is the only other proof you have regarding your notification of the issue.

The complaint number can be used for reverting back for compensation if your issue is not resolved instantly. Make sure you tell them if you are facing problems of delayed or crap service from your local ISP such as no one turns for hours together for checking the problem and you lose on precious pre-paid hours etc.

Note down the time from which your issue starts and when it ends (hours, days) to avail for an equilvalent package. Remember if you lose on unlimited night time you will not benefit from a limited pakage with capping!

If due to any reason you have registered your complaint and get disconnected during the call give your complaint number to the next executive. This may help you not to repeat your issue again.

4) Why should one call up Customer Care? Is it worth it? :
Yes it is really important to call up Customer Care. Your call is proof of registering your issue with the service.

You may even call up to complaint about inconsitencies or delayed service on your local ISP's part. This maintains the pressure on the regional representatives and hence ensures quick service.

Very important: Mention that in case an issue which takes time to resolve you need an equivalent compensatory package! Complaint number as mentioned beforehand is very important to follow up on your compensatory pack! Dont assume things!

5) Upsides of calling Customer Care:
It serves as a report of the kind of service you are receiving through your local ISP.
The customer care follow up themselves with your local ISP to have the issue resolved. Usually it is the local ISP's which take you for granted!
The local ISP's and regional heads get a kickstart on your issue!
(I had the regional sify agent callling up and providing his number for any future issues rather than calling up at Customer Care.)
Calling up customer care maintains the pressure on the regional heads/agents and the local ISP.
Service agents will show up more quickly and you are saved the trouble of calling and banging your head with the local ISP.

6) Compensation pack:
Insist on it as it is your right for losing on precious pre-paid hours. Dont ever be ashamed to ask for what you have paid!

7) Supervisor:
All said and done if you find you are being taken casually by an incompetent Customer Care executive insist on talking to the supervisor for taking up the issue! And most important dont forget the complaint number!

The CCE may say the Supervisor is not around or he is in a meeting. Don't agree to lame excuses...tell the CCE you are not hanging up without having a word with the Supervisor.

If in any genuine case the supervisor cares less ask for the Supervisor's senior.

Sometimes the CCE may say he will transfer you or try to end a call abruptly. Tell them not to disconnect you in anyway. While tranferring the call you may listen to the usual music so stay on the phone ...dont hang up! Be persuasive to get things done!

You may call Customer Care anytime 24 hrs -- day or night! Dont skip an issue if it is night time usage you are up Customer Care no matter how late...dont give them reason to say you should have called up ...or you need a complaint number! Customer Care numbers are toll-free...that means you dont get billed for calling up customer care.

Call up secondary numbers found on the Customer Care number list if the 16003453330 number doesn't work. This number list is available offline in the cc.html file. The local numbers are charged for. Make it a point to reconfirm from the tech.

In any case do not make a short call. Take your time and ensure you have your issue properly reported along with a complaint number. Be stubborn and persuasive.

Customer Care and Service is also what you are paying for and to ensure you get it or use it is your lookout.

(Is there anything I missed ...pls let me know! Let me insist you read all the above!)
All are welcome and Cheers all! :)
Thanx for the d share
Originally posted by power@Jan 13 2006, 07:32 PM
yup hardly anyone uses original client in my area . supersify+sifyguard rocks :)

Even if they dont solve your problem.

Have a chat with customer care at

You got plenty of time to tell your problem and they cant disconnect you unless the sify server is unfaithful to you.

1. They will definetely solve ur problem
2. Dont logout unless you get call from from them. Put pressure on them and the local sify Office will call you.
Originally posted by avinds@Jan 14 2006, 06:48 PM
how to chat.....if net is down :P

plz read carefully You got plenty of time to tell your problem and they cant disconnect you unless the sify server is unfaithful to you.
You may call Customer Care anytime 24 hrs -- day or night! Dont skip an issue if it is night time usage you are losing[/b]
Mate I've tried that loads of times, but after 9pm no one picks up the phone at customer care, even though they say its 24hrs it actually isnt....

Originally posted by Tushar@Jan 14 2006, 09:33 PM
Mate I've tried that loads of times, but after 9pm no one picks up the phone at customer care, even though they say its 24hrs it actually isnt....

Beg to differ completely. You may obviously face a problem on the 16003453330 if you are in Mumbai(because of faulty automated system or calls not routed properly or callback process which of recent I have discovered does not correctly memorise your number dialed).....however if you call on 26177460 you have yourself a tech. Myself made a late call once about 12:30 pm on that number and I have got a tech. The 26177460 number is routed to the same Centre in Chennai however it is better off.

I have complained before about the 1600 number and I think all should too in a similar situation. You have to make them aware of any issue to do with your service and another thing is you shouldn't give up trying to make more attempts at calling. Try atleast 4-5 times if not succesful.

However if there is an issue may always note down the time and report another day and most important ask for an equivalent compensation!

They also promise you to inform local ISP the next day if any issue on their end. (Seriously everyone gets a I have mentioned before about the local sify area agent calling up and requesting to call him up for future issues. ;) . I have learnt there are areawise managers that have to look after customer issues. Calling them up resolves the issue more quickly. Though you may call them up make sure you are compensated for.)

Thanks post has been also edited for the same.
Additional what to says added too!

Originally posted by agent@Jan 14 2006, 04:57 PM
Even if they dont solve your problem.

Have a chat with customer care at
You got plenty of time to tell your problem and they cant disconnect you unless the sify server is unfaithful to you.

1. They will definetely solve ur problem
2. Dont logout unless you get call from from them. Put pressure on them and the local sify Office will call you.

Nice info agent. Maintaining the pressure is the key!

Cheers all!
Fistly.. I dont know which badword to give to SIFY customer care people.You ask them their name, they disconnect, u ask them, argue, they put you on hold, and then disconnect.
humm the key is being persistent. If a situation where you may feel you are being given a run around or disconnected or not spoken to with courtesy and respect.....Make a point to be firm on your next call and demand a Supervisor . Make your conversation as long as possible complaining about how difficult it is to get customer care service and how incompetent some of the CCEs are. Becoming irate and frustated comes naturally. Vent your frustation on the Supervisor and the next tech. Ask questions about how they are tackling the situation or alternatives. Tell them about your bad experience on the call! Customer Care is to ensure Customer Care with courtesy, respect and dignity. For toll free numbers they are charged not you so make follow up calls till you get you get a tech. Be stubborn! (I hope I am not flooding the posts and ppl are finding it helpful? :mellow: ) Cheers all!
sify outsources many servives to agencies and they dont have any coordination. Ask for the name and id of the cce (dont know why they are called exectives when they cannot do any thing, they just sit like dumb and listen to our problems)or you have to explain the whole thing to some other cce next time u call them
