DAP sucks - A story from DAP lover

  • Thread starter Thread starter Himangshu
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Hello everybody,

Before telling the story let me introduce myself. I am the person who is using DAP as the DM from the very first day I started net surfing – DAP is my first and only DM I have used. After that when DAP 7 released, writing 50 software reviews I got a free license of DAP Premium. I was totally satisfied with the performance and features of it.

Till the mid of July I was a dial-up user, but after that I opt for Broadband connection and got it. As from 16 th August, 2005 free hours were introduced by the Broadband service provider, I decided to download some DVDs – SuSe DVD, Knoppix DVD, Solaris 10 DVD, Debian Linux DVDs etc. Excepting Knoppix and Solaris all others were larger than 4 GB.

Now I added the url of each file to DAP download list, to my surprise I found DAP failed to report the proper file size for a file greater than 4 GB. A conclusion could be drawn from this incident that DAP does not support any download greater than 4 GB.

I started to search for a new DM and found one called Fresh Download having the capacity to recognize a file larger than 4 GB. The free s/w Fresh Download that was never in the competition among the DMs and that doesn't have the popularity as DAP has, found to be a much better DM than DAP.

Though Fresh Download is working good, but I need some features not present in it. Features like – a scheduler like DAP and if possible command prompt support. Can anybody suggest any alternative?

Originally posted at http://hcp.wincustomize.com
Topic DAP sucks.
I have been using FreshDownload ever since and they keep releasing new versions every now then.....very neat and no concerns of adware as with DAP
Your problem is not with DAP !!!!!!!Maybe you are using FAT32 (file-system) for the drive where you are storing DAP downloads (coz in that case there's a file-size upper limit of 4 GB, no matter which app is creating it). Move the storage drive to an NTFS partition.Or if you dont like DAP anymore, get Reget Downloader Deluxe.
flashget is what u need.

I also use Flashget. Firstly its the only download app that i have observed to never corrupt your your downloaded file incase you use multiple splits during download. Second because it works with link-removed ( when they used to have that happy hours thingy going on).
Originally posted by Sushubh@Sep 1 2005, 03:14 AM
flashget is what u need.

FlashGet sucks too.
FlashGet And LeechGet don't have the capacity to recognize the size of a file larger than 4GB.
Originally posted by prathapml@Sep 1 2005, 02:37 AM
Maybe you are using FAT32 (file-system) for the drive where you are storing DAP downloads (coz in that case there's a file-size upper limit of 4 GB, no matter which app is creating it).  Move the storage drive to an NTFS partition.

Or if you dont like DAP anymore, get Reget Downloader Deluxe.

Don't yet try Reget Downloader Deluxe.

Problem with DAP, not with partition. Who would want to install XP on FAT32? It is NTFS (New Technology File System) all the way. The limitation is of DAP. I shall write a letter soon to the support team as I am a registered user. Expecting they would overcome the limitation.
Originally posted by GAURAV7777@Sep 1 2005, 12:12 AM
Didn't knew that dap doesn't support more than 4gb file size
thanks for enlightening me

Welcome Gaurav.

This is a limitation of DAP, FlashGet, LeechGet etc.
