DataOne Software help...


Guys this is my first post and I need your help badly. I am buying a new PC an the dataone guys havent given me any softare cd/floppy to reinstall the Uniserve Fatawire software which we use to access dataone. Ofcourse I can call the local bsnl office for a reinstall but you all know how good bsnl is at customer service! So is there any way I can get the software and go about it myself....or i will have to wait for bsnl to bail me! :unsure:
which Operating sytem do you use? Because for xp no software requirement is there,however it must be configured properly.
Yes excatly if you are using Win xp there is a windows dialer which u can use . If you still want the sofware which the technician carries with him along in the CD you can downlaod it from here
Credit to one of the members who has done that here before
Originally posted by Amitoj Duggal@Aug 3 2005, 08:51 AM
which Operating sytem do you use? Because for xp no software requirement is there,however it must be configured properly.

If you have win 2000/pro/ser you required PPPoE clint that i have but it size is very high . if you have ftp details pls provide i will give you required. software
Thanks a lot guys! I really appreciate it! For now I am using godd ol' Win-98 but when my new PC is here, I'll surely move to XP and as you guys said I wont be requiring any additional software, right?!
