EVDO , torrent download/uploads

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asianet dataline
what kinda download and upload speeds do you get from torrents ? :whistle:ps: reviews from private torrent site users like link-removed is really appreciated :thumbsup:
If you want to dowload torrents using evdo, then dont have high expectations.

Firstly all of us have a shared static ip, which means you cannot use private torrent sites.
There is no way to open a port on the Modem given by BSNL, so you can connect to others, but others cannot connect to you, and hence you cannot upload, which will ruin your ratio, so dont even think of private sites.
Even on public trackers, the speeds are usually low unless there are at least 100 seeds.
Because its a wireless connection, speeds will keep fluctuating through out the day.

Have got upto 130kBps from private torrents. However upload speeds are bad.. 6kBps max may be?
Have got upto 130kBps from private torrents. However upload speeds are bad.. 6kBps max may be?

vsugadhan bro, what about speed from public torrents ?

And from your EVDO connection, when none of the programs are using internet, then could you please ping google and tell me the latency in ms.

From 'Run', Type

ping www. google.co.in -t
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