i hate myself so much that i am going to waste the next 1.5 hours watching this shit.
lol. what a shit show. ridiculous cast. ridiculous storyline. ridiculous character development. everything is ridiculous. the movie should be named ridiculous 4.
This is the only movie I walked out of within 20mins. I never like to waste money ..hell I even stayed for some salman flicks for the entire duration but could not do this

Right. I do not think I could have handled this shit in theater. It was however a good sleep inducer at home.
don;t waste your time... this movie will rape your memories of previous fantastic 4.

we don;t need to see remake of how they acquire powers. we already know that from comic and previouse movie.
it;s good laugh i saw that movie on streaming site and was grateful didn;t go to theater ^^
