GOI launches Digital Locker service for Documents

Navjot Singh

Staff member
The Department of Electronics & Information Technology (DeitY) has launched (pdf) an Aadhaar-based e-locker service for storing documents, in beta. Users will be able to store electronic versions of important documents like birth certificates, voters ID cards, University documents, etc in the e-locker. They can also electronically sign these documents with the e-sign facility, which is currently still being tested, and then share them with government organisations or other entities when required.

Every user will get 10 MB of dedicated free personal storage space, which will be linked to their Aadhaar details. The URI (Uniform Resource Indicator) for every document will also be stored in the e-locker, allowing government agencies to directly access the document from the repository. Currently, the e-locker is accessible only through the web portal, but DeitY mentioned that a mobile app will soon be made available as well.


Digital Locker
Good initiative! But I suppose they should give 100MB free. 10MB is just too less to for storing all the documents!

I know its in beta but the dropdown box does not show Aadhar card / UID option!! :D

Also tried to e-sign but it said "Failed to sign"
It says its "secure" digital locker!!

But it DOES NOT use HTTPS!!!

How is it secure?!!!
Its so scary that they are launching such services without even preliminary requirement of security.

Clearly its not passed ANY security expert, they are doing blind launch.

In future they will be storing documents directly in my account (as per the text on their front page)
So you can signup to any ID using just the Aadhaar Number? There is an OTP option so I am guessing they would send the password to your connected mobile number?


Check out this e-mail I got!!!

They have started to use AADHAR based authentication!!

Your Aadhaar authentication for KYC service by DIT , Govt. of Maharashtr (0000150000) at 12/02/2015 HH:MM:SS Hrs,
with transaction code UKC:XXXXXX is Successful.

The following factors were used in authentication(Aadhaar number XXXXXXXX):
Identity : Not used
Address : Not used
Biometrics : Not used

Your authentication reference code is: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
Please retain it for future reference.For clarification, contact DIT , Govt. of Maharashtr .

*** For more information about Aadhaar Authentication, visit UIDAI - Official Website ****.

This is an auto-generated email. Do not reply to this email.

Soon we might have "Biometrics" based authentication?!!!
So you can signup to any ID using just the Aadhaar Number? There is an OTP option so I am guessing they would send the password to your connected mobile number?

You fill your AADHAR number and then they send a code to your mobile and E-mail.

You type that OTP and it logs you in.

There u can upload documents and check your profile. (It showed my photo and address automatically)
mmm. it is more of a locker of government documents that you posses in hard copies. the idea appears to be that when you submit your aadhaar number, service providers can get access to your other IDs are required directly from your wallet. i think.
