Good News

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Trust me, it's the mediation that is the hardest part - ie - the process of parsing the huge sets of CDRs generated for the usage logs (from the proxies or routers or gateways or whatever) and then aggregating them and uploading them into the Billing system in a format that it understands - billing s/w are dumb :-). Mind you the CDRs are in binary and the format differs for each device. Billing and Mediation needs to be in alpha atleast for a couple of months and then an internal beta for the same duration for all the trivial issues to get sorted out - as I said yesterday, else you're gonna have customers getting bills of 6 digits or even negative numbers - and that can backfire with a lot of negative PR about their service - so they're not going to take a risk unless they fix up and get sure and feel sure again and more and again... They should'nt mind about 2000 geeks like us using say about 10 G/month for just 500 Rs as they will anyway make up in the long run - what makes you think I will reduce my usage once I get hooked after all. Regarding whether they are collecting the usage data - you betcha - they use tapes to store close to 10 million CDRs a day and they will be processing them internally - but just not going to charge anyone till they make things work properly down to the right decimal point. Also, the only thing they bother about as of now is getting a huge subscriber base - they need 5 million users surely to even break even on their infrastructure costs that they have already spent - and they cant risk losing existing subscribers due to some minor inconvenience caused - after all they cant spend millions on marketing and need to depend on viral marketing to get the initial base - like me telling 10 of my friends that I like BSNL and them all telling 10 friends each and so on over time. One more thing - the guy was saying that they are also thinking of giving away an unlimited connection for a nominal price (could be upwards of 3K though) to home users - can someone confirm that please if you know. Anyway, just my 2 cents...Feel free to disagree and throw it at me...
Yea I too feel that those sarkari ones will take their time to setup the billing system...:D
I dont think it will take till Dec 31st, only till Sept 30th probably as I heard from them. Otherwise it will be a loss for them. Anyway just to let you know, I downloaded 1.4 GB yesterday :-). Make hay while the sun shines...
Well, they will not suffer any loss even if they have all plans as unlimited. They have arrangement for unlimited transfer which they share among DataOne users. And bandwidth charges has dropped recently... :D
These people must really be shameless to put that limit after sept 31.For all the 9 months (if they extend the offer to sept 31) they have been giving unlimimted downaloads and after we get use to the system they are pulling us back badly.....How good is that....if they could give unlimted downlaods for a period of 9 months why not continue with it instead of spending thousands of rupees on those CDR's which keep a track of downlaods...sheer injusticeAnd as coming towards the unlimited scheme for home users , our firend has said that they might do that but the cost will be 3k upwards.........Back to the same point where we started?? Isnt . Going towards the past....When i look my slef 2yrs. behind , i remember the time where i got a 64kbps unlimted connection for Rs900...And even now things are more or less the same..Zero improvementTalking about improvement i have heard from an inidan living in japan who migrated there 2 yrs back..At that time a 1mbps connection was common there and now he is getting 100mbps connection at the same price . When will we come close to those terms??? Only God knows
Till date there is no such circular in Calcutta Telephones.We all will undoubtedly be very happy if such a circular arrives here at Calcutta Telephones also.

The CO I spoke to (in Bangalore), said that the Billing officer told him that he received a circular on June 10th saying that they needn't charge anyone till June 30th. He said he was unable to access his intranet at that moment to check it up, but he will receive a fax from him in a couple of days. I will try and get in touch tommorow or maybe on Saturday and see if I can get hold of the fax. I will scan it across and post it here, if I get my hands on it. Till then ...
>>if they could give unlimted downlaods for a period of 9 months why not continue >>with it instead of spending thousands of rupees on those CRD's which keep a >>track of downlaods...sheer injusticeActually they reuse the same tapes hundreds of times (possible theoretically atleast) to store the usage CDRs over time. So they dont really end up spending that many thousands after all as you think. It's just a one time investment for the tape media and tapes usually work fine for years...But making it unlimited (even at 3K pm) will mean that they will only not be able to charge people uniformly over time and lose out. A geek like me could theoretically dload 60 GB pm (30 x 24 x 7 on say EMule Extreme, Bearshare, torrents, Azureus etc) and be charged just 3K pm(ie - 50Rs/GB), but someone who just uses it for email dloads say 100 MB pm and gets charged Rs 500 (which is effectively Rs 5000 per GB), which is a 100 fold difference. That would be unfair for a lot of people and if you look at the median zone in the arithmetic progression, most ppl just use it for email and chat (70% of the populace in general).
The explanation u have given is fine....but its not implemeneted in countries like US,Japan,Korea.....They have a fixed price weather u donwload 10's of Gb or a few Mbs....and thats excatly the way it should and your concept of pricing / Gb is not really good. Something which you have downloaded is not worth at all for others.....
BSNL operates in 21 circles in India. There are total of 23 circles. BSNL does not operate in Mumbai and Delhi.To attract customer or achieve target, sometime BSNL launches promotional offers in a particular circle. I fear this may be the case here. Because at Calcutta Telephones the Dataone billing software is up and running.Still I am hopeful that there may a circular like that to arrive here at Calcutta Telephones also.
