Google Ads

they do say that they do not expect revenue to change for most publishers lol. i guess they realize that with so much ad blocking around, it's best to charge on impressions than clicks lol. few people see ads, even fewer click on them. so much revenue is lost.
Dear AdSense Publisher,

In May 2024, Google will update the Sexually Explicit Content policy to address synthetic sexually explicit content.

The policy will be updated to specify that we do not allow promoting the creation or distribution of content that has been synthetically altered or generated to be sexually explicit or contain nudity.

In addition, we have made an editorial update to the Spam Policies for Google web search.

This message is a notification to inform you about an update to our policies. No action is needed from you at this time.

The Google AdSense Team
lol. google adsense is practically useless in my case yet the amount of documentation it requires keeps on increase. today i find out that i had to fill out two tax related forms for singapore and usa. and the information available on the portal was just not good enough. read a bunch of random blogs and had to end up watching a few annoying youtube videos coz no one write things anymore and filled them up and now i might be open to legal issues because of how i filled up the forms lol.

this is in addition to the cookie related things that are expanding to more areas. it is already there for eu and california i guess. and i believe the new indian regulations might bring their own because why not.

i did get an email about the payment from google last week but yes bank has still not pinged me about it. usually the process is complete by 25th and i have the money in bank. but this time around, it is 28th and zero update from the bank. this might be related to how i am not getting any alerts on email from yes bank. i went nuclear on them few weeks ago because they kept on sending me useless emails. but it shouldn't have affected transactional and account related emails. and yet, i haven't been getting any transactional emails for a while now.
Dear AdSense Publisher,

In July 2024, Google will make a handful of updates to our policies to provide better clarity and transparency for our publisher partners.

Google will replace the “Ads on Dynamic Content” AdMob and AdSense program policy with a new “Ads in Private Communications” policy. This change will provide clarity to publishers by explaining that ads are prohibited on screens where the primary focus is a private communication like direct messages, live chats, video-chats, and private chatrooms. Per the Google Ad Manager Partner Guidelines, these policies are applicable to Google Ad Manager partners when displaying Google ads on your sites and apps in the open auction.

In addition, Google will also remove the “Personalized Advertising" Policy from the AdMob Behavioral Policies and replace it with a new “Personalized Advertising” Google Publisher Policy. All publishers must follow the rules about personalized ads serving in order to protect user privacy and prevent discriminatory practices. The creation of this policy as a Publisher Policy is to provide a consistent policy experience for all publishers.

This message is a notification to inform you about the aforementioned policy updates. No action is needed from you at this time.

The Google AdSense Team
