Hayai Broadband FAQs

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just a few quick questions regarding the tentative price list (http://www.hayai.in/maintenance/hayai_in_201102.pdf) :

1) will the limited prepaid/postpaid data plans be 100 MB/s or 1000 MB/s? the site says 1000 MB/s but i thought it was 100 MB/s?

2) how do i select the most appropriate hayai plan considering i have been using 1 MB/s plans of hathway/mtnl uptil now and my average monthly usage comes to around 8-12 GB? i'm curious as to how this tremendous transition in speed (i.e. from 1 MB/s to 100 or 1000 MB/s) will affect my monthly usage?

3) how are these postpaid/prepaid plans on the left side different and which one is more ideal?

4) what is the "bill limit facility" for postpaid plans?

5) why are the hayai lite (wireless) plans of 8 MB/s so cheap compared to all others? do they function in a different way? can we use these plans on our regular home pcs? for example, the 20 GB limit @ 8 MB/s is just499/-

6) finally, what is the additional download charge rate per MB for limited plans?

thanks in advance matthew! hope u have a good time in india! goodluck!

1. The speed is upgraded to 1000 megabits per second. Yours is 1 megabit per second right? MB/s= megabytes per second.. 8 times that of megabits per second (Mbps or Mb/s)

2. The lowest flat-rate plan (with no hard cap) comes to around 1999, so you don't need flat rate. You can set a bill limit for 750 (550 for infrastructure, 200 for data) or so if you expect a usage of 20 GB or so..

As for the transition in usage, it depends on a lot of factors.
Sometimes it happens that due to slow speed we cannot do some things although we want to, but as soon as they become possible then we tend to do them first. For example you wanted to download a 8 GB BRRip of your favourite movie for months. It would take a lot of time to do on 1 mbps but will download in minutes on connections such as 100 mbps and 1000 mbps..

Another factors is your budget. If you do not want high usage and want moderate speeds(5-8 mbps) and have a low budget as well, I'll suggest you go for Hayai Lite. It has low costs of infrastructure and so the plan cost is lower to you. However there is one problem in that.. I'll come to it later on.
If you have a budget of around 1000 then I suggest you go for full speed data plans.(You'll get 45 GB)

3. Prepaid is in only one form - data plans. Pay and use. You purchase data worth say 100 (10 GB) and then use it. once all the data is exhausted you can visit only Hayai sites and will be able to recharge your account via the portal. Then you can access normal Internet again. Also the data has a life as well, which means that you can buy 10 GB and use it for upto 1 year from the date of purchase.

Postpaid plans are for people who do not want the headache that the data bought is going to expire one day and we need to recharge it in order to access the Internet then.

These plans start from 1999 and are of the type "Use how much you will, but still think a bit about us," which means you should not( I do not say cannot) download more than your fair share (It's sufficiently high, don't worry). A bit expensive for light users like you. One striking feature is that for a flat rate plan the bill will not come higher than 1999 for the lowest tier no matter how much data you use.
These tiers are as follows:

Speed(mbps) Price Fair Share(GB) Equivalent data if infra taken into account(GB)

One important point to note is that the cost is 1999 including tax including infrastructure, which means at the end of the month you'll have to pay not a penny more than the indicated amount.

You can use more than the fair share, but remember, the more data you use, the more you eat into the company's profit margins, and a stage comes when you cost the company more than you pay them (like when you use 500 GB on 1999 plan). and so after 3 months of "overeating" the company will call you and try to make some kind of a resolution( make you shift to a higher plan to suit usage, in this case the 25 mbps one) or if you do not comply, force downgrade plans in the case which you will not be able to upgrade for 6 months.
However, don't fear-- these are all extreme cases and last resorts.

To answer the second part of your question, it's on you, if you are a low user and not so torrenty you can go for hayai lite else data else flat rate.

4. Bill limit facility is for prepaid plans only, the system puts a limit on your usage (which you specify of course) and you can use data upto that limit without having to actually purchase any data. In other words, you can use 25 GB data in a month, if the bill limiter is set to Rs 800, without actually having to buy that 25 GB first.(in which case your bill will come to be Rs 800 instead of Rs 550 when zero data is used.)
You can set the limiter to any value you wish from Rs 560 upto Rs 10,000.
If the bill limiter is reached, you can no longer use data until you buy and recharge, in which case the limiter is turned back by the appropriate amount.
In short, a hybrid between data and flat-rate.

5. Because of low infra costs. You can buy 30 GB in Hayai lite for monthly usage for Rs 649 only which, for fiber is Rs 850.
However, some disadvantages of wireless:
-NO 1000 mbps.
-speed attenuates fast (You can get upto 30 mbps near the tower, but the plans are designed for 8 mbps due to the distance problem.)
-NO(or low) bittorrent as wireless is crap when it comes to multiple links, on which BT is based.

Wireless plans are provided through a usb dongle(which you see in the ads for photon and docomo). It is capable of 40 mbps down, 6 up.
You can use them in your pcs as well, it can connect to any pc as long as it is in suitable range.

6. Sorry, the wireless plans cannot be recharged, once you use the 5 or 10 or 20 or 30 GB, that's it for the month. You'll have to wait till the next billing cycle. (This is the one I was talking about in (2)).
This is because of the simple reason that the network will become too congested if recharging is allowed, and also the plans are for people whose usage is between 1 to 20 GB per month max( like casual surfers and social networkers, and using for office, like my sister does a job and needs wireless internet)

Well, I'll tell you on behalf of Mathew that we value your continued support and thank you very much for your regards.
thanks a lot cst1992

from what u said, it sounds like i have to choose between data plans and wireless hayai lite , and flat rate plans are out of question because i am not a heavy GB user..
the wireless plans cannot be recharged, once you use the 5 or 10 or 20 or 30 GB, that's it for the month.
that's sad.. why can't they allow recharge for the wireless plans too.. :( btw would wireless disconnect often compared to fiber connection or does it work perfectly 24/7 like fiber?
thanks a lot cst1992

from what u said, it sounds like i have to choose between data plans and wireless hayai lite , and flat rate plans are out of question because i am not a heavy GB user..
that's sad.. why can't they allow recharge for the wireless plans too.. :( btw would wireless disconnect often compared to fiber connection or does it work perfectly 24/7 like fiber?

-There is no obligation on you.. you can choose between lite and data as you wish (and flat rate as well, just that if you don't use that much data, then it's a wastage of money, but on the other hand it gives you full liberty to download anything without worrying about exhaustion of data). you can try out both of them as well and then keep the option which you like.

-Like I already mentioned the network will become congested. You want flexibility then I suggest data plans for you. Even with Rs 1000 the limit(which itself is optional, you can keep it or not is your discretion, did I mention this?) will be 45 GB, more than enough..

I think it works 24/7.
excellent info! thanks rajadeep... can u answer points 5 and 6 too :P

u know so much, are u working for hayai?

thanks again!

LOL u seemed to be editing ur post & adding no 5 & 6 while I was typing.. Anyway I will give it my best shot

5)Well basically in the wireless version they have lesser overheads(no cpe,no cables having to be laid from their POP to ur house etc etc)... Therefore they can afford to give it at a much affordable rate... As cst mentioned u use a USB doogle instead of a fibre CPE to access the network...

6) U mean after ur set bill limit??? well ur net will stop working after ur bill limit but u can call up hayai & immediately increase ur limit for that month... like if u think u want to use another 10GB raise ur limit by Rs 100... Hayai isnt gonna charge by the MB... They are gonna charge by the GB or 1/2 GB I think... So even ur overusage charge would also be the same ie Rs 10/GB...Mind you this is only valid for a wired Connection as u cant recharge in a lite(wireless) connection...

Now considering ur low bandwidth usage I m sure u are wondering if it wouldnt be better for u just to take the lite plan instead of the wired plan... Let me point some of the diff that stand out for me between the wired & wireless plans so u might be able to make a better choice...

Wired Plan
1000Mbps speed
Minimum maintenance charges of Rs 550/month & then Rs 10/GB for data
Unlimited usage in the Hayai zone
Ability to buy as much data as u like

Wireless(lite) plan
Upto 8Mbps speed. This is the average speed expected but u can get upto 30Mbps if u are close to the tower or as low as 3 Mbps if u are far away
Fixed data allowed per month in 5,10,20&30GB variants. The 20GB plan seems to fit u well will cost u Rs 499/mo.
Fixed usage in the Hayai zone. U can only use upto ur download limit. So if u are on the 20GB @ Rs 499/mo plan u can use upto 20GB of Hayai zone(which is still a good deal as technically u can use upto 40 GB of data on ur 20GB plan)
No recharge option available beyond 30GB

looks like it was a holiday....:isleep:

Maybe...I was only there for about a month. Had gone there to help my Aunt(masi) to dispose off 2 properties they had bought while my Uncle was working in the Ambassador Factory... Hey look I m not trying to belittle Kolkatta's locals or anything... I m just suggesting if u are ever in Mumbai try out the locals... They are a diff kind of exp(both in a good & a bad way :P)...
u know so much, are u working for hayai?

heh I dont think Hayai could afford me... I have been told I m a very bad employee coz I tend to be very business minded :P ... But now that u mention it I wonder why my present months paycheck hasnt reached me yet... MG could u pls chk into it :P ...
Am not sure if this has been asked before but couldn't find anywhere.... Hayai lite - how is that gonna work? What technology is used, LTE or hotspot kinda wireless? And will the coverage map hold good for wireless connection as well? And Mg am happy that chennai is in your radar but just curious as how far its through? Still in contemplation or cable laying or testing? Please let me know your results on chennai expedition, if you will for other cities as well. Am excited about your chennai visit but it's damn unfortunate that I got locked up with something else right now, would be missing a rant.... And hey, I guess you haven't considered about Hayai's tagline. So let me suggest you one "Exorcism Yourself" lol;-)Disclaimer: This tagline is fictitious. Any similarity to any Inc. living or DEAD is merely coincidental.

hey .. i forgot to ask this.. since hayai lite is wireless, is fiber connection safer? because i've heard ppl can hack others on wireless connections...i have important stuff on my pc..
Hayai is gonna use a Unlicensed version of Wimax similar to what other companies like tikona are using... MG has mentioned a few times that if he cant provide more than 3Mbps speed at ur location he wont sell u his service at all... Wireless is not a stable medium & MG will be the 1st guy to tell u that... The lite version is basically targeted at the uncle aunty type customers who just wanna chk their mails & maybe do a little Videochat & youtube... It aint meant for heavy downloaders...Protecting ur PC is ur own responsibility ... & a hacker is less likely to hack into ur system through a wifi connection & more likely to come in through the Internet... Simple logistics... To hack into ur comp through wifi he has to be very close to ur PC(less than 20-50 Mtrs or so) but to hack through the Internet he could be sitting anywhere in the world & still do it... Anyway Hayai is gonna take all the security precautions from its side & u can take a few from ur side too... Like maybe investing in a good internet security software... Kaspersky's Antivirus with Internet security costs less than Rs 400 in Mumbai...
thanks again rajadeep :P

Wireless is not a stable medium

does that mean hayai lite could have fluctuating connectivity throughout the day?
Hayai is gonna use a Unlicensed version of Wimax similar to what other companies like tikona are using... MG has mentioned a few times that if he cant provide more than 3Mbps speed at ur location he wont sell u his service at all... Wireless is not a stable medium & MG will be the 1st guy to tell u that...
Hats off MG, hope he does so:-)
The lite version is basically targeted at the uncle aunty type customers who just wanna chk their mails & maybe do a little Videochat & youtube... It aint meant for heavy downloaders...
Yeah I know(no offense)... I ain't gonna use it as main connection(obviously it's FTTH). I had thoughts of using it on the go, just for the same as you said - browsing, etc., coz 3G isn't trustworthy yet and data cards aren't good enough... This would seal the deal if I could get Mi-Fi sorta device(for multiple devices), can tether to my phone and lappie....
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