If you play online games dont get excitel. Getting 5-20% packet loss.

Touchvpn seems to use DigitalOcean Bangalore servers, so if you are in Delhi you'll get 30-50ms added latency

Did your overall ping increase or it kinda stayed the same?
Increases about 20-30ms for War Thunder. PS servers are located in EU, RU for the game though. Proton VPN has servers in Pune.
I play diablo 3, my ping to is stable 0 packets loss for most of the day, but it chokes in peak times, 9-11pm, I get 5-6 % packet loss on in this time. Diablo 3 is also unplayable in this time, I think excitel has not scaled their network enough to handle the peak load.

Try using wtfast free version and check if it fixes your routing.
If it works for you then I will sell you its 6 month subscription for 50% off.
Thanks, but I don't want to pay money for playing games, I'm just a casual gamer, but the packet loss even to in peak times bothers me. I have complained several times to excitel about this but they could not fix it, the cat5e (2 pair) wire that comes to my house is also almost 5 years old, could it be the cause of my packet loss in peak times ? Even right now (12:43PM) I have 4% packet loss.
I am having a tough time getting through to the customer service in fixing the packet loss,

I have been reading on the internet that it's because of the DNS excitel uses (which I managed to change as hard as that was)
Others saying using VPN will fix losses in-game, but the losses are becoming steadily worse and worse

This is today's ping stats

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 119, Received = 86, Lost = 33 (27% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 3ms, Maximum = 136ms, Average = 8ms

WTF excitel? I don't consider this optimum for browsing let alone gaming. Is there any workaround where I don't have to bang my head against their tech-illiterate customer support?
