Internet Slow With Netgear Wireless


Hi , I have a Dataone with D-Link Modem 502T and a Netgear Wirless router WGT624 v3..The problem i noticed today is my wireless is tooo slow..I mean hotmail does not even open !!Then I connected my laptop to the modem directly and voila !!! everythin is good..i was about to call BSNL to check with the connection..Any ideas why my router sucks..any special settings to be done people ??
Wrong area to post it should be in bsnl section. admin plz check
@ Amit , is it slow from the beginning ?and if you have a cordless transmitter nearthe router then switch off / move it ...
Seshu ,

I got the problem..!! There is a value for MTU bytes to be specified..The default in Netgear was 1500 and I checked on the site that it is diff from diff providers..For Dataone the MTU is 1492 and so i changed the MTU in the router to 1492..and it started working fine..there is some loss which is due to wirless..but i can get through everything on the net...( earlier MSN live msngr , hotmail , used to NOT work !!!)


QUOTE(seshu @ Oct 20 2006, 07:36 AM) [snapback]66065[/snapback]
@ Amit , is it slow from the beginning ?

and if you have a cordless transmitter near
the router then switch off / move it ...
