Lady Gaga YouTube account is currently suspended!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sushubh
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i am talking about the use of the word kill. kill would suggest that the account has been destroyed. removed. finished. vanished. it's suspended. and it would be activated in a matter of hours. and all the old content would be available (expect for the infringing video(s)). i was just saying kill was a bad word and it sends a wrong message.
well on webz if you kill a site or a content it does not necessarily mean it is destroyed, killing it is blocking it for sometime or forever , yeah sure google and miss.gaga's lawyers would sort it out but till then it is blocked or killed by utube. it is like ICE or DHS saying we killed so and so site but in reality site is really alive just not available. i kill or block some content for certain geo locations off my sites but it is there just not available !! yeah maybe killing is a strong word , BBC got it right by using blocked'
haha. the difference between regular websites blocked or killed by ICE OR DHS is that owners of the sites have the ability to backup their entire account. i do not think youtube channel owners can backup their entire fan base, comments, other interactions... they would have the videos uploaded to youtube... but little else. :)
google has a back up of everything and i mean very tiny bit of it, nothing is ever destroyed of google's servers. i mean c'om google will take over the world soon :D yeah sucks for users but there should be way that they can back up ? won't be tough esp if you running a huge channel.with ICE or DHS it is just plain stupid they just seize the domain name point the DNS to their servers , site owners get a new domain, post it on some blogs, irc chans etc .. users add a firefox add on [ which one guy with 100 bucks and 3 free days made] or just google the ip of site and you are good and teh millions ICE spend is wasted in 10 mins. :D
if google bans your google account, you lose ALL your data associated with it. you would have to be very influential to contact a good enough source at the company to recover the leftover data from their backup is one of the few companies that would respect your decision to delete content you uploaded on their servers.
yep 100% true i just wish they deleted it off the their servers too, but google knows data is power nowadays , how many ppl you know would love to really delete something off google servers !! there are tons of guys and now some countries in E.U have passed some laws which are like 'right to get erased from net' all us do something stupid when we start on net later to realize it never forgets !!:huh:
