Mass action plan to get night unlimited usage

  • Thread starter Thread starter robert0909
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lol there was a good article and discussion on slashdot today about Linux and how it should try to set some basic standards atleast when it comes to packaging etc
hmmm, i thot a single TCPIP connection needs a "port" which is bound to a "host" which is one NIC (network card).... so what does he mean by "combined to a single stream"... you must need multiple TCPIP connections... like bittorrent makes multiple connections for one download... or maybe UDP would be combined...or you could just force downloading off separate lines... example if download 4 linux CDs... force one per line (or 2 per line if you have 2 lines)... oh well...why dont the dumb ISPs read these posts and just offer 512 unlimited for like Rs 4000/- per month... or reduce the price a bit and give some good/reasonable limits... makes my blood boil... damn retards!
Lol calm down Vishal. No point losing it the telcos dont care, and never will. Try making friends with the Sysadmin at your work place/university. My friend became friends with the sysadmin at RVCE; that plus a ext hdd ensured 50gb of stuff a month.
that doesnt require load balancing since both OS (windows and linux) include functions for using multiple TCP/IP cnxns to be outputted thru one port. In Windows it is called Routing and remote access and in linux it is Masquerading ... both require to interact with firewall for this function to take effect. Obviously for flexibility of options i would recommend linux can handle this better.Ultimately u need more than 1 NIC for this in plain words.
i'm sure our kids will use it!!!not before 10 years :(

Originally posted by Sushubh@Jul 17 2005, 10:21 PM
that doesnt require load balancing since both OS (windows and linux) include functions for using multiple TCP/IP cnxns to be outputted thru one port. In Windows it is called Routing and remote access and in linux it is Masquerading ... both require to interact with firewall for this function to take effect. Obviously for flexibility of options i would recommend linux can handle this better.Ultimately u need more than 1 NIC for this in plain words.
There is an option in windows DUN called multilinking though it is applicable to dial-up-networking, if your dsl works like DUN, I think it can be done.
I'm not sure you can have 256kbs form 2x128 lines. More like 2 separate connections to the same source. If you had more download bandwidth you could do this from one connection already but that has to be supported by the app in userland.I doubt it's possible at the network level.Note that i am referring to making 2x128kbs behave like one 256k line.
I think, Sushubh is going to try to get 2 x 128 and see if hets any better performance from such a connection. We await his trial.Besides T 3 will take a long time as things stand now.
