Microsoft Confirms Next Xp Service Pack

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By ZDNet France Staff
Special to CNET
Published: September 30, 2005, 8:22 AM PDT

Microsoft has revealed plans to release a third service pack for its Windows XP operating system.

\"There will be a Service Pack 3 for Windows XP,\" Bernard Ourghanlian, technical and security director at Microsoft France, confirmed, revealing that Microsoft's OS is set for another major update.

Windows XP's Service Pack 2, which came out last September, deeply modified the operating system by updating its security.

Windows XP SP3 will be available sometime next year--after the launch of Windows Vista, which \"is the priority for the development teams,\" according to Microsoft France.

Microsoft has yet to reveal details about the contents of the service pack. Laurent Delaporte of Microsoft France said: \"Historically, certain functions of new versions of Windows are integrated in the service packs of previous versions.\"


Who needs it! we'll have Vista! ;)
1 gb ram? why?i had run longhorn on p3 700 256 mb ram and it was extremely slow....couple of questions ...does it require huge ram just bcz it is in development stage?if i download the iso dvd and extract it... will it get installed on my new and64 2800+ 512 pc3200 ? I mean it can only install after burning dvd or will it install with all files extracted in a folder and run the setup?will it work with a decent speed?
it will work with OK Speed! Somewhere near the minimum requirements! Suggest you go for 1gb ram already! As far as the Beta i had was concerned, it needed to be burnt on a dvd!
That spells into.. 1. Either Vista starts off miserably...2. Or that info is untrue (partly at least), since microsoft will never ship an OS with so much investment that doesn't support even the latest home computers (the economy class)..3. Vista is in Beta stage n is said to be having Abnormal memory usage as of now! This may change, with More development! All this looks too superficial! Coz 2 GB ram n more than 256mb on a high end video card and such requirements are Crazy to be minimum requirements!
And what does Vista offer over XP besides flashy graphics ?im still on 2K as i post this which ...EOL's in 2010. XP cpl yrs after.
remember that some 10 years back there were 1 MB ram modules for Rs. 3000 or so?? or the graphic card with 1 MB ram?now we have 2 GB ram and 512 MB ram of graphic cards!! and still increasing!!
