MTNL 849NU speed problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter Farid
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  • Replies Replies 18
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Come one and all. For the likes of me struggling in the path of Broadband Connectivity.

I was elated at being able to *acquire* an MTNL connection within a month in DEC last year, Little did my simple soul know that the episode had just begun. My new year resolution was and still remains to have this connection work as promised. Initially i had an array of issue but to cut a long story short, my down speed right now is a miserable 256 KBPS at best as compared to the 2MBPS approx that a few of my friends do, numerous calls to 1504, GM office, exchange has always yeilded the same response "We'll forward the request to the server room". Till date i wander in the path of knowledge, or the lack of it, trying to find an end to my plight. Toiling night after night after a busy day at work to find the right settings for TCP and finally sighing at the sight of the Downloads trickle through at a leasurely pace, with nary a care for my anxiety. The monthly bills simply adding insult to injury.

But I still choose to continue my patient struggle and call upon all fellow bloggers in the name of Humanity and the love of it, To guide me through the well trodden path of troubleshooting to attain Nirvana (Read Value For Money). I pledge that all your suggestions will be followed and questions will be answered.


Here are a few Test Results

The D-Link GLB 502T Modem Status Information Shows
DSL Speed:256/256kbps

The Below Test
Tweaking for speed -

has yeilded the following results:

Actual data bytes sent:1037661
Actual data packets:718
Max packet sent (MTU):1492
Max packet recd (MTU):1492
Retransmitted packets:10
sacks you sent:128
pushed data pkts:34
data transmit time:42.909 secs
our max idletime:2428.0 ms
transfer rate:23490 bytes/sec
transfer rate:187 kbits/sec
transfer efficiency:98%

Kindly suggest a free Line Quality Test that I might be able to find.

Kindly Advise.

NOTE : The above link can be use by anyone to fix the following issues:
Slow download speeds
Download slower than upload speed
Skipping in TCP streaming video/audio
Connection issues to some sites
visiting your local area exchange may be helpful. had a similar problem, calling and emailing the GMs/AMs didn't help. called and waited and called for 10 days, then went to my exchange and got the issue resolved in an hour (20min waiting time for the officer to arrive :))have u tried mailing to bbspeed and GM?
for starters check your plan in the login page does it display 849NU???? Because if you are in 849NU your

D-Link GLB 502T Modem Status Information should show
DSL Speed: 260/2045kbps
thats what my router displays.....

since urs display 256 / 256 i guess ur speed will never go above 256kbps thats why ur speeds suck...

Also in the router page go to Status -> Modem Status and check the following parameters
Us Rate (Kbps) 260
Ds Rate (Kbps) 2045
that says it all i guess in ur case both the parameters wlill be 256 which should be for a 590NU plan.....ideally

bring this to mtnl's notice....hope that sorts out your problems......
Thanks for the prompt replys. Well apparenlty all the concerned people at the exchange know me by now. However that was because of some other issues. I shall be visiting them tomorrow itself.

Interestingly i got a call from the server room today. Stating that everything had been updated on their end. So it might be something to do with my computer, I gave him my comp. config. Following which he blamed it on the Router or Line problem. Not wanting to argue I told him to check back tomorrow.

I have called up Router support and they pointed out that
The D-Link GLB 502T Modem Status Information Shows
DSL Speed:256/256kbps

Ironically the MTNL site show my plan to be 849NU, since I am a new user and MTNL would not be foolish to put me 590 which has been discontinued. But i do trust them to charge 849 and still limit me to 256Kbps.

I called up the guys at the exchange and related everything, pat came the reply "There is nothing here that we can do." I gave him 2 suggestions
1. I'll get the modem to the exchange you connect it to a 2MBPS line and lets check if it delivers performance.
2. Following which you send a guy to my place with your router to check if you get the promised speed on your router, then we'll have something to work with. That sent him into damage control mode and he said "Let me check here and see".

So i guess he's going to be seeing more of me tomorrow.

Although I am of the opinion that it appears to be more of a problem on their end however i am not denying that for all i know it might turn out to be something on my end, slim chance but none the less, possible. So i am leaving no stone unturned.

Thanks again.
while you go to the exchange make sure you check out the Modem Status Information..... if it displays 260/2045 then it is bound to give u 2mbps speed.....also make sure you take a screenshot of your current Modem Status Information Page so that you can confront him then and there.... better to put them under pressure so that they treat you with some respect and will get things done
@Farid: You have been configured to 256kbps download speed. This will have to be sorted out at Prabhadevi exchange. Your local exchange has no control over this. Call up 1504 and tell them about this. Under normal circumstances, it should be solved within a day. If it doesnt, then call up the GM of Broadband and your problem will be solved almost instantly.And I recommend that you do not continue your fight with your local exchange as they wont be of any help to you.

Well it was show time today, went to the exchange today, kicked a few asses around, got my router checked. Later had a guy come down from the exchange, took a look, tried his own router with similar results and reverted to the exchange stating everything fine on my end. So as we have it right now, its either a cable issue or a server issue. My phone works fine, A complaint is lodged from the exchange, from the GM office and from 1504 to the server. Lets hope this solves the issue cause like i mentioned i had a call from the server room yesterday with those guys footing the "All fine at this end" line. Thanks for all the Help & Support.Well it was show time today, went to the exchange today, kicked a few asses around, got my router checked. Later had a guy come down from the exchange, took a look, tried his own router with similar results and reverted to the exchange stating everything fine on my end. So as we have it right now, its either a cable issue or a server issue. My phone works fine, A complaint is lodged from the exchange, from the GM office and from 1504 to the server. Lets hope this solves the issue cause like i mentioned i had a call from the server room yesterday with those guys footing the "All fine at this end" line. Thanks for all the Help & Support.
Are you under Versova telephone exchange ... i have the same story... i went and yelled at the DGM ..
to me it seems u're synced at 256 kbps down and in that case u CANNOT get more than 256 kbps in any pls get that checked and resolved first...
Ive had similar issues at the Versova exchange...Finally got the DGM/GM's cell numbner and asked him nicely...Got a call back and as of now am sync'ing at 2047kbps. If you are at the same exchange PM me and I'll send you the contact details.
