MTNL connection problem, MTNL balmes on private modem!!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter sankirsh
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I have gone through the diagram, I understood it ...thanks for the same

When MTNL will get DC and I will shited to RELIANCE my PC ip will also change???? and in that case the servers I am connected to will recognise it as a new connection and my session will timed out??? ( in case if server at other end has a load balancing setup then it may recognise new IP as a new connection....I am be wrong :( )

Please go through this doubt is based on this link....

So if I am connected to trader terminal.....with MTNL and connection fails.... I will be still connected to internet with RELINACE due to load balancing....but then I will be logged off from my trader terminal due to new IP of case if IP address of my machine changes.... since the trader terminal server msut be having a load balancing set up which will recognise new IP as new connection.....

while doing internet banking also my session will timed out coz of change of IP ....from mtnl to reliance.....

but if there is no change of IP or....sessions will be not timed out...i wont be logged off and then its OK to go for load balancing .....


I have found a website,
Please go through tells about load balancing without any router or any physical device....just a small scrip works......pls confirm is it possible.......i read many times but unable to decide whether it will work or not......


Will this software solve my problem :)
Dostidilse..........Thanks for your reply...

In my above post what I meant by ...."my PC IP will changed" meaning was my WAN ip....

The Trader Terminal I am talking about is can download it from here an see the settings.....

Trader Terminal 1: LINK > Download Setup.

Trader Terminal 2: LINK> download set up.

These softwares configuration may reveal you whether they are IP spc...or not

Both these are from 2 diff cos and independant of each other....I use both.....Please download them.,....u will get an idea whether they are IP specific or....not...btw what abt yahoo it IP specific....

Internet banking: According to you even if I have a load balancing system at my end...I have to reload the web page since they are IP specific and so it wont be wrong to say that load balancing dont work for uninterrupted HTTPS banking.

Re: Linux solution
Ok with this linux solution also IP specific problem will be there like we are talking abt.....say internet banking session expired problem...or it will be problem free..with linux solutiuon internet banking session will not expired....or same problem will be there.....


See this software .....what is all about...any use for me from our topic point of view: LINK
I have 2 lines as well and a network and my prime objective is

[*]to use both lines at same time for speed
[*]to be able to switch between lines when 1 is down or vice versa
[*]to limit speed atleast for certain pcs on network.
[/list]This is the diagram of my network

TATA and SERVER are gateways for 1,2,3 (trusted ) and 4,5,6 respectively.

When MTNL is down I remove the red cable and use a wire to conenct both switches(so tata becones gateway for all pcs1-6) . When TATA is not working I remove tata wire and use a cable to connect both switches again (so server becomes gateway for all pcs 1-6). may get 1-2 minutes downtime becoz of ARP cache. Problem with this setup is its manual and ur bound to get data loss while switching. @dostidilse can u sugegst something better
1. MPLS env.
2. Purchase IP subnet and then do a OSPF or IRGP Routing using Cisco router.

How and where to purchase IP subnet and do OSPF or IGRP routing ??

If we purchase IP subnet and do OSPF or IGRP routing then whenever our internet path will change and so our WAN IP our HTTPS session will not expire??

my trading terminal has two version browser based and application ( software) based.I have disabled cookies in my IE after which I am unable to login in to the browser based trading system. However I am able to log in to the application based system.
Does this mean that even if my WAN ip changes it wont make any difference since it is not cookie specific....

OK btw these application based softwares are not cookiee specific so what do u think will face any problem
hey dostidilseremember my prob, as u r solving others prob with ur vast knoledge, can u tell me the solution or the cause for thisas i was facing frequent dc but atlease connecting to the mtnl server, but from last 3-4 days i am not able to connect in day time(not a single connection),nd wan page in dsl shows ppp down. and ping doesn't give me reply.but this connection starts working after 5pm onwards, i dont know how and what is causing this to happen, could this be bcoz somebody else is using my line at that time (maybe someone from share market as this time suits only to these fellows).or something else.i had lodged a complaint to these mtnl folks but till now they dont have any clue.u r my saviour earliar too so i m hoping that u might able to answer this as well, u r a pro man:thumbsup:waiting for ur reply:whistle:thanx
Hey bro,

did you conducted those tests? Please let me know the result so that i will resolve your query 100000% also update is i am able to create a network where you can actualy use the bandwitdh of your home from anywhere on this planet. will give you guys a headsup in next post.

best of luck:thumbsup:
hey bro
thanx for your info, actually the exchange is hust 2 km from my house, (straight), as i told u that i was not able to get conection at day time nd to solve this i changed my modem config to bridge mode and had set dialup to reconnect 20 times at 3 sec interval.

so it is connecting to the server but after 5-6 attempts, so right now i am able to work in day time, but "touch wood" as this is just couple of days now, nd my prob was from last 4 months and i am threading very cautiously.

also, as i know correct me if i am wrong that in bridge mode no NAT is between the server and pc, but still my utorrent shows that the port is blocked can u tell me why is that??, as i had gone through the advance settings of my modem and in bridge mode it doesnt show any nat as option, than why are the ports are blocked?

seen ur post and i am very curious abt ur network, do update abt this..


hey bro dostidilse,

remember when i asked u that i am facing frequent disconnection problem and u told me that it will take some time for u to answer this, now as i told u i am able to get connection in the bridge mode, but still the dc remains the same. two center lights (link and data) goes down for sometime and than reconnects it.

1) as i understand the dialer (as in bridge mode and connecting with the dial-up service) should consider this as line drop and should reconnects it, but it doesn't do anything and the connection is down until i manually restart my modem. only when modem manually is restarted the dialer consider it as line drop and reconnects.

bro for my sake, just configure ur modem in bridge mode just for half hour and set a dialer, than to make the reconnection (as happened with me automatically) you just unplug the phone wire from the modem for 10 seconds and than the two centre lights will drop and check whether the dialer responds or not or it reconnects it or not, and if it not, than can you help me with this????

2) also does upgrading of my modems firmware will solve anything, my modem is of compex made but it has similar soft as of urs beetel one, and no firmware upgrade is available on compex site, so can i install beetel's latest firmware over this. will that work?

3) when i configured my modem in pppoe mode the connection drops(or couldnot able to establish connection with the server) because i think that the time interval for which this modem waits for the connection expires before any connection is made and than it restart the connection process all over again.
thats why earliar i was seeing continuous rc, but as i see in bridge mode it takes 5-6 attemps for connection so i think is there is any way through which i can increase the amount of time for which modem waits before rc (r u getting my point?),
i think if that can be done than my prob could be resolved and i will work in pppoe mode.

can this be done with modem firmware upgrade too.

as of now my main prob is of the reconnection nd i had tried everything possible with this modem.

too many queries u would say.............

hope that u can answer some

cheers :thumbsup:

take care
somehow i had received my modem latest firmware from compex after many questions from them(bla bla bla etc), i will be testing it for couple of days and will let every body know about the result.....if anybody else use this modem and needs firmware update than please let me know i will send it to you as the compex guys in Singapore (in my case it was a girl) takes hell lot of a time.hope that it will workcheers :thumbsup:
I too had the same problem with frqnt disconn. I have been able to resolve it to some extent by flashing my UT Star 300R2U with latest Beetel firmware and changing mode to G.Dmt. I hope ur problem is solved with the upgrade.

By the way can U plz provide a link (link-removed, etc.) to the latest Compex firmware. Thanx.
Dostidilse,My UTSTAR modem is in bridge mode.I have made my ethernet card modem,by RASPPOE.I have also set up PPPOE connection.I have two connections, one through PPPOE and another through PPP (I have made NIC as modem by RASPPOE)I have thus wan ips 2 wan gateways.Problem is how to merge them or use them effectively. How to see that when one connections drops another is auto Linux can we bond these two ?
