Mtnl Mumbai Tri-band Sucks

Is there any reason why ISPS like MTNL Mumbai are not offering any form of unlimited download limit plans on the Tri-band connection,specially when their sister concern BSNL is doing just that .What is the use of providing speeds like 1 mbps or 2 mbps when you have plans with such usurious download limitslike 100 mb or 400 mb ??I think this is totally unfair and unjust to the subscribers in Mumbai.As a state run enterprise their focus should be on providing affordable broadband connections to people.Instead you are just overcharging people.I think its time MTNL learnt from its counter BSNL which btw has much better infrastructure and speeds as compared to MTNL
i think they do have in delhi for around 1400 bucks. not sure.
Its 949 bucks in Delhi for 256Kbps unlimited.The problem with Mumbai is too many corporates sucking out the bandwidth and the pathetic mentality of each and every provider to milk the Mumbai customers as if everyones rich. Well guess what? They are WRONG! :(
Agreed,I think the tendency of all parties both Govt & Pvt mostly the Govt is to loot & pillage the Mumbai lot and make it bleed so that the rest of India can enjoy A class facilitiesDo you think it would make sense to start a Online campaign to Make MTNL take steps to rectify this inequality ?
i'm not sure if anything online will work. Maybe real life petitions and plain old signatures on paper might do the trick but then again i am no legal expert and neither a leader ;)
i mean seriously MTNL sucks.. i have the TRIband Unlimited 256kB/s plan.. i was assured a steady speed of 150~200 KB/s down speed. to be frank enough i got that speed for about a month. but now my speeds are as low as 25 KB/s. These plans are jus fake . The ISP's never give the actual bandwith as assured.. also sent a email to MTNL stating my problems,,nd i jus got reply that my problem was being looked's been 2 motnhs since then>>for any of those lookin to change to MTNL..> PLEASE DO NOT:@:@:@:@:madness::madness::madness::madness::madness:

^^ umm.. you are supposed to be on 256kbps so 25kBps is the correct speed you should be getting. you were lucky to get 2mbps speed earlier.
stop blaming MTNL when in fact you were getting speeds which you were not supposed to be getting earlier.
yeah, right...MTNL doesn't provide any unlimited plans where u can download @ 150 - 200 kBps...
Maybe, a call to Shiv Sena would help. As it is, they are competing with MNS for publicity. They may take up this cause, break some MTNL offices and bring the tariff down.
As it is, they are competing with MNS for publicity. ...............and bring the tariff down.

MNS lets u talk to them here.
Maharashtra Navanirman Vidyarthi Sena
""Our credo is to create a common platform for ALL the students, in all the grounds of education, creativity, talent, and common student problems."
I wonder whether they will break into MTNL offices and make this a real students issue LOL:hysterical:
Roti,kapda,Makaan aur broadband :p
