My letter to BSNL Bangalore regarding poor broadband


BSNL + Airtel
My letter to BSNL Bangalore regarding poor broadband

I request BSNL Broadband users in general and Bangalore in particular who are facing similar issues to contact Senior Officers like PGM (pgmbgtd at, DGM (dgm_ns at , AGM (PR) (pg_ktkbng at

I hope that when users complaint in large numbers, action will be taken.

Thanks for having this ISP forum.

Non Existant Night Unlimited 2-8 internet in Home 500

Dear Sir,

Subject:- *080- xxxxxxxx- Persisting \"Network Problem\" during
night 2-8 unlimited for 3 months. * *(Home 500 upto 2Mbps )

This is my third letter to you regarding the same issue of
no Internet during 2-8 night unlimited for the past 3 months.
I would like to enlighten you the fact that the problem
regarding \"Network Problem\" during night 2-8 unlimited for
3 months is far form over. Internet comes to a standstill during
the night 2-8. I feel that BSNL has been cheating me for the past
3 months by not giving even the TRAI defined minimum of 256kbps
speed. How can BSNL call it broadband when the speed is less than
56kbps and latency is 1300ms+. Why is BSNL cheating me?

It is utterly shameful that despite bringing these issues to the
concerned senior officers like DGM (NP), the
problems still persists for 3 months. I would like to know the
steps taken by BSNL to solve this problem. Is 3 months not a fair
enough time to upgrade the network, bring new routers or reroute
traffic. BSNL's market share will definitely slide day by day
because of pathetic indifferent attitude of BSNL. There has been no acknowledgement nor there has been any
redress to my grievance for 3 months.

The staff at broadband call center have refused to register any
complaints for 3 months now. BSNL's broadband call center is one
of the most dispeakable and unprofessionally managed call center
i have come across. One can't get any worse than these fellas.
There is no empathy for customer problems nor is it service oriented.
BSNL broadband support service is a cruel joke played by BSNL
on it's customers. It is just a hogwash and I have no idea how the
competent authority in BSNL give a contract to such 3rd class
customer support.

During the Night Unlimited 2-8 the Internet goes to a coma of sorts.
Though the connection is established, for all practical purposes
Internet does not work. What can one do with a speed of 10 ~ 20 kbps
and a latency of 1300ms+. Is there no customer empathy??

Is there no courtesy on part of BSNL Senior Officers to fix this
damn thing. It is very sad to see that despite my best efforts to
report this to concerned BSNL officers, not one has bothered to fix
it or even acknowledge the persisting problem. I am totally
frustrated as everybody just passes the buck around in BSNL.

BSNL has no right to give service as bad as this and I as a customer
really don't deserve this non existent 2-8 night unlimited offer and
a customer support that is just ridiculous.

Whoever is responsible for managing the broadband and this
dysfunctional call center should be ashamed of providing such
worthless customer support.

I have included the trace routes of sites taken during night 2-8.

I hope BSNL would come to its senses and work to improve its services
and provide a customer support center that is professional.




Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 [/URL][]
9 1400 ms 1408 ms 1382 ms[/URL][]
10 1390 ms 1405 ms 1395 ms
11 1390 ms 1385 ms 1394 ms

Trace complete.


Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 [/URL][]
10 1265 ms 1285 ms 1284 ms[/URL][]
11 1275 ms 1286 ms 1297 ms[/URL][]
12 1279 ms 1261 ms 1275 ms[/URL][]
13 1306 ms 1308 ms 1306 ms[/URL][]
14 1488 ms 1487 ms 1513 ms[/URL][]
15 1285 ms 1279 ms 1270 ms[/URL][]
16 1398 ms 1398 ms 1398 ms []
17 1421 ms 1445 ms 1428 ms []
18 1353 ms 1343 ms 1333 ms []
19 1432 ms 1423 ms * Domain Tools: Whois Lookup and Domain Suggestions []
20 1407 ms 1401 ms 1410 ms Domain Tools: Whois Lookup and Domain Suggestions []

Trace complete.


Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

if i were the person incharge, i would have reacted and got everything smooth instantly, after receiving such a letter.But pity open the pigs sitting on big chairs.
my main grouse is that i do not get any speeds at all during NU 2-8. I have been trying to download a Linux OS for the past 2 months during the 2-8am. but still no success. wtf it is time somebody hammered some sense to these morons I have complained repeatedly despite the DGM (NP)'s -ve attitude. I had even complained to the CDM of BSNL (cmdbsnl at ), Public Grievance -Deputy Director Generals (ddgpg at PGM of BSNL (pgmbgtd at Bangalore many a times.Since BSNL's CMD and PGM of BSNL Bangalore had recieved many complaints against broadband service and NU in particular from all over India, Today I got to know this matter was brought to the notice in the meeting arranged for customer grievance and also presided by the new CGM of KTK CIRCLE Mr. Raghavan.I am now told that BSNL is actually going ahead with the biggest upgrading of international gateway so far done by BSNL within a period of 30 days. Only time will tell as to how far this information given by DGM (NP) and PG officer is true.I will also file a RTI since I want to know the parameter devised by BSNL on giving contract to private outsourced call center, budget allocation, qualification and training of these employees and whether any audit is being done and if it is done - is the information available in the public domain ad any other details.Now I want to ask any experts here :- that can i file an RTI regarding the procedures followed by BSNL regardin the upgradation of international gateways and when does BSNL decide to upgrade and time taken for this upgradation.Do help me in seeking info from as BSNL. It will benifit all of us.I hope that many users will approach the management. Only a sustained approach will be fruitful.Suggestions are Welcome.
my main grouse is that i do not get any speeds at all during NU 2-8. I have been trying to download a Linux OS for the past 2 months during the 2-8am. but still no success. wtf

it is time somebody hammered some sense to these morons

I have complained repeatedly despite the DGM (NP)'s -ve attitude. I had even complained to the CDM of BSNL (cmdbsnl at ), Public Grievance -Deputy Director Generals (ddgpg at PGM of BSNL (pgmbgtd at Bangalore many a times.

Since BSNL's CMD and PGM of BSNL Bangalore had recieved many complaints against broadband service and NU in particular from all over India, Today I got to know this matter was brought to the notice in the meeting arranged for customer grievance and also presided by the new CGM of KTK CIRCLE Mr. Raghavan.

I am now told that BSNL is actually going ahead with the biggest upgrading of international gateway so far done by BSNL within a period of 30 days.

Only time will tell as to how far this information given by DGM (NP) and PG officer is true.

I will also file a RTI since I want to know the parameter devised by BSNL on giving contract to private outsourced call center, budget allocation, qualification and training of these employees and whether any audit is being done and if it is done - is the information available in the public domain ad any other details.

Now I want to ask any experts here :-
that can i file an RTI regarding the procedures followed by BSNL regardin the upgradation of international gateways and when does BSNL decide to upgrade and time taken for this upgradation.

Do help me in seeking info from as BSNL. It will benifit all of us.

I hope that many users will approach the management. Only a sustained approach will be fruitful.

Suggestions are Welcome.

I am not getting any speeds at all especially from link-removed and link-removed during the 2-8 for over 4 months now. At the most I get 14k. Youtube not even loading. Youtube load extremely slow during other billed times. Like it will take 5mins for 30secs video to load. I doubt their sincerity. They are helping private providers is what I guess. You can use RTI to get information.
2 months to download linux?u would find ordering a cd from shipit is faster!

thats what happend. i recieved the cd i had ordered from Ubuntu. :Pnow the DGM (NP) of Bangalore is telling me that he has sent a proposal to BSNL management to scrap the NU 2-8 plans or charge a fee for that. His pretext is that users are misusing the NU 2-8 by using automated software to donwload. Instead of upgrading the international gateways, a new pretext is being made to give shoddy service. DMG (NP) of bangalore has a extremely -ve attitude towards users demanding good speed and gets abbusive when you demand good service from BSNL. :(
We, the people of India continue to suffer in silence. We are aware that we are a victim of injustice and yet we suffer silently. With regards to service, it is time we remembered the words of a great man.'A customer is the most important visitor on our premises, he is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favour by serving him. He is doing us a favour by giving us an opportunity to do so.' -- Mahatma Gandhi
Looks like a same problem aroused with u as me..

But yesterday a man called from the GM office & said it will be rectified asap (after a mail to [email protected] on 02/12/08).. guess what, today morning i switched on the net @ 6AM without any hope... But wow it started working at great speed :yahoo:. I hope the joy wont exit within a day, as i got it working after 2 months.
Lets see this upcoming morning. :whistle:

As far as i know, the problem isn't in the line, the lazy dumb asses in the main server or exchanges have to do with that.
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it is the gateways..99% it is the gateways. the management of bsnl is very slow in upgrading the gateway. BSNL does not have its own gateway and neither buys it from private players as prudently as it should. :eek:and the call center 18004241600 is just a cruel joke played by BSNL on its customers. :|
