PPPOE mode trouble: in portforwarding as BSNL automatically assigns dynamic IP address

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@/members/ridam/ Thanks for the screen shots.
Request :Pplease see this device info of beetel 220 Bx.
Can you confirm the Board ID and etc for siemen's Sl141 modem.Most of the pages seem same . IF sl141 is a wireless /modem/router there could be changes in the Board ID and . FW version.
Suggestion : Can you try to open In IE and see
whether any new options in Menu ? or under Firmware update ?
@essbebe i think the only way to portforward in siemens Nokia modem is via telnet..right?i mean you cant do it via the router's config page right?
members/superprash2003/That is what users having this modem have reported. I am on a wild goose chase ! Please wait for comments from @ridam.
essebebe I tried to open that page

and it opened!!!

but normally it doesn't open...........

there it has that advance tab you were talking about........
but i think you cannot count on that to open up every time........
so the link I gave on how to use hyperterminal........could be used easily
for port-forwarding in this type of siemens SL2_141 wireless type II modem........

here's the snapshots from the modem pages....but it may not oprn again.....:)




I dont know what you mean by board ID and firware version??

tell me i may be able to help then
cool.. this makes port forwarding a lot more easier.. are you sure it doesnt come everytime? try 3 or 4 times and let us know!!!
I dont know what you mean by board ID and firware version??
Thank you very much for the screen shots.
This modem is almost identical to Beetel 220 BX. To check that out , please post the Device status page. use same
You can also try
report +ve or failure. ( given for a Beetel 440BX wireless router same problem. )
http://i22.tinypic.com/152byh3.jpg for beetel 220 BX

@/superprash2003/ If you can access the Advanced options through Telnet or Hyperterminal, It means the setting pages are available in the modem/router. So how to access it directly, by laymen,/beginners is the problem and BSNL does not seem to have /blocked/modified the modem/router or their tender would have specified this. to reduce 50 paise in the total cost of each unit !!!
Probably this is done to deny access to all and sundry.

BoardID: 96338W Software Version: 1555_070607-3.08L.BSNL_02. Bootloader (CFE) Version: 1.0.37-8.7 Wireless Driver Version:
here's all you needed essebebe

and superprash.........the thing is that..........
since i went to

i bookmarked the page........and it's opening everytime i click!!

previously it would show only a blank screen,,,,,,,,

so my advise to all users is.......try to open

if it shows blank screen.......try again and again

when it finally comes up......

..bookmark the page.......and you would be able to view it afterwards.........for port-forwarding and other stuffs

well i'm not hundred percent sure but it's happening in my case atleast.with mozilla:thumbsup:
/members/ridam/ seems to be similar beetel 440BXi wIfi model If you don't clear the cache, this problem arises sometimes.Also you could try in IE.or You can also try .Para two : If you post the screen shots of the Advanced options , it will help so many others . And it will be uploaded in IBF WIKI.
essebebe i've already uploaded screen shots of the advance region....see DMZ, Virtual serve, port triggering..........in the above of this page and the earlier page.what else...........tell me then.......
