PPPoE or Bridged Mode

  • Thread starter Thread starter baudhayan
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bridged mode .. connection/disconnection much faster.can automate it without much scripting.public IP... web server, ftp server (w/o NATing on modem)firewall can be more easily customized.torrent, file transfers, super webcam work better.secures modem..modem cant be accessed remotely.
ya bridge mode rocks! :)
configuring modem in bridged mode is easier then configuring modemin pppoe mode. just change radio button to bridge mode in modemwan page. rest u need to configure on ur pc.
well ask mtnl to replace modem.. may be u would get the latest one.

How beneficial would it be to switch to bridged mode considering I am using the 949 unlimited plan?
speedwise not much. but refer my earlier post in this same topic.also u get exact counters of upload and download.(which in ur caseu dont have to worry about)plus i personally find bridged mode more comfortable and more secureas well.
Bridge Mode is not secure...if your using NAT then your protected against all kinds of worms/script kiddies armed with public exploits...Bridge Mode makes your router like cheese (or butter...pick your dairy product)...i've got a huge firewall log that tells me just that...sure, bridge is waaaay faster for p2p/torrent/gaming...but wrt security it blows...or as they say in canada...it blows....Current Song : Holly McNarland - Beautifull Blue :DPeace, People!
for pppoe mode:just give random MTNL ip or scan ip port 80 and put ip in ur browser.most modems have password admin. once u login u can play aroundand do port forwarding to machine ip (normally u have full access to machine. unless some firewall is there,so bridged mode or pppoe mode.. both are equally insecure unless uhave configured ur firewall properly.
