Problem - After switching on or off the fan my net gets disconnected

  • Thread starter Thread starter rpawaskar2
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Have you tried switching the fan/tubelight on or off using internet ? I read somewhere it was possible to control the home appliances using the internet.

I had that thing too. I got it free with my IBM Aptiva PC that I bought when I was staying in USA. It was called Home Director, and it was really cool. My Dad used to switch on the heating from his office so that it was warm at home when he arrived :D. When I came back to India, i could use my PC, but the Home Director didn't work out because of the difference of voltage (In India, RMS Voltage is 220 V, while in US its 110-120 V). This was 10 years ago :) .
u have a good memory!
Why you can't remember a "cool" thing you had 10 years ago? :POn this computer operated topic, there are such fully wired houses being tested in Germany, the Refrigerator even calls up the local store/supermarket and places orders for food that are running low in it! That is just one feature. Talk about use of Technology. Even Bill Gates' house is completely wired up to the net in the same manner.
on the other hand i can live a happy life with a fridge that makes and drop ICE from me without me opening it... these are available in shops right now and cost around a lakh i think...
Same Problem.......So I have to call an Electrician..Would he charge high,If the wiring is faulty?EDIT:MAYBE *Pressurizes on the word MAYBE* It started to happen since I Installed a second phone in my house....
As someone has said earlier, I have the same problem with my Reliance dial-up connection. I power it via a wall-socket and whenever the lights are switched on or off, the connection drops. Have never gotten around to solve it.There is one possible solution. If you are running your computer on a ups, power the modem/ router/ phone via ups instead of through the wall socket. See if it helps. Can't think of anything else.
