Problem with Huawei Quidway Wireless Modem (Type:2)


BSNL DataOne
Hi frnds.......
2day only I found a problem in my Huawei Wireless Modem (Type:2)
It shows downstream/upstream = 1856kbps/509kbps
Here is the screenshot:

Bcos of this I have never got download speed more than 160-170 kb/sec.
As downstream is fixed to 1856 kbps....

Whereas my frnd who is using UTSTARCOM Wireless Modem has
Downstream/Upstream as 2048/255 kbps.
Here is his screenshot:

And he gets constant speed of 210-220 kb/sec

So now my problem is how to change the downstream value...
I tried re-setting my modem, but value remains same no changes found.
Plz help me out...
My other frnds too get speed above 200 kb/sec....
Can nobody help me out......Posted this post 2 days back but no reply till date....
u cannot change those settings urself...they're set from the DSLAM server...may be you're a bit too far from the exchange than your friend, but that shouldn't be the reason as i guess talking to BSNL guys should help u...
/members/rohin_mattoo/Your modulation may be in "Auto " change to GDMT ADSL2 ADSL2+ or T413 and try.Actual speed and what is shown in modem may not be same all the time./members/lauraye0811/Thank you for reply in another forum here. Noted the web site address for future reference. Users like to contact a local importer/distributer/ or dealer .If during warranty period some problem is seen. If you have anyone In INDIA please mention it.
